???option.TituloSitioWeb.grado??? en Ciencias Biomédicas


???label.profesorado.categoria???: CATEDRÁTICO/A DE UNIVERSIDAD
???label.profesorado.perfil???: Doctorado
???label.profesorado.departamento???: CIENCIAS MÉDICAS BÁSICAS
???label.profesorado.email???: xavier.matias@udl.cat


???label.profesorado.ensenyament??? ???label.profesorado.curso??? ???label.profesorado.asignatura???


???label.profesorado.recerca.proyectos??? ???label.profesorado.recerca.proyectos.dataInici??? ???label.profesorado.recerca.proyectos.dataFi??? ???label.profesorado.recerca.proyectos.investigadors???
Evaluación de la eficacia de la inmunohistoquimica y la patologia molecular en la identificación del origen primario del tumor en pacientes que se presentan con canceres metastaticos de origen descono 01/01/2009 31/12/2010 FRANCISCO JAVIER MATIAS-GUIU GUIA
Estudi genòmic per al maneig individualitzat del càncer d'endometri (diagnòstic, pronòstic i tractament) 01/01/2014 07/05/2017 FRANCISCO JAVIER MATIAS-GUIU GUIA
Estudio metabolómico del carcinoma de endometrio en relación a parámetros morfológicos y moleculares 01/01/2014 31/12/2016 FRANCISCO JAVIER MATIAS-GUIU GUIA
Validación de Anexina 2 como predictor de Recidiva en el CAN 01/01/2014 31/12/2016 FRANCISCO JAVIER MATIAS-GUIU GUIA
Incorporación de nuevas áreas temáticas y nuevos grupos al Consorcio CIBER 01/01/2017 31/12/2019 FRANCISCO JAVIER MATIAS-GUIU GUIA
Perfiles epigeneticos asociados a patrones de metastasis en cancer de endometrio 01/01/2017 31/12/2019 FRANCISCO JAVIER MATIAS-GUIU GUIA
Implicación de ARID1A en la remodelación del microambiente tumoral y la reprogramación metabólica en el cáncer endometrial 01/01/2024 31/12/2026 NURIA ERITJA SANCHEZ
Personalized Immunotherapy for Endometrial Cancer; Acronym: ExCITE (Endometrial Cancer Immunotherapy) 01/06/2020 31/05/2022 FRANCISCO JAVIER MATIAS-GUIU GUIA
Carcinoma de endometrio. Valoración delecciones y amplificaciones de regiones cromosómicas mediante Arrays de CGH (ACGH) 01/07/2010 31/12/2012 FRANCISCO JAVIER MATIAS-GUIU GUIA
Implicación de receptores de muerte (FAS) y sus antagonistas funcionales en la muerte neuronal apoptótica 07/11/2002 06/11/2005 JOAN XAVIER COMELLA CARNICE
Alteracions moleculars en el desenvolupament i la progressió del carcioma d'endometri 10/02/2006 09/02/2009 FRANCISCO JAVIER MATIAS-GUIU GUIA
Carcinoma de endometrio; participación de las vías de señalización, implicadas en la resistencia a la terapia antineoplástica 10/12/2010 31/12/2013 FRANCISCO JAVIER MATIAS-GUIU GUIA
Implicación de las alteraciones en PTEN y NF-kappaB en la supresión de la apoptosis en los carcinomas de endometrio 13/12/2004 12/12/2007 FRANCISCO JAVIER MATIAS-GUIU GUIA
Carcinoma de endometrio. Participación de las vias de eseñalización implicadas en la apoptosis y su realización con la hipoxia 15/10/2007 14/10/2010 FRANCISCO JAVIER MATIAS-GUIU GUIA
Caracterización de las células neoplásicas inmaduras pluripotenciales (células madre neoplásicas) en el cáncer de endometrio. Implicaciones patogénicas, pronósticas y terapéuticas 20/04/2010 08/11/2012 FRANCISCO JAVIER MATIAS-GUIU GUIA
???label.profesorado.recerca.tesis??? ???label.profesorado.recerca.any??? ???label.profesorado.recerca.direccio???
Estudio del papel de ARID1A en el desarrollo del cáncer de endometrio y el microambiente tumoral 2022 Nuria Eritja, Xavier Matias-Guiu
Aplicación de los Péptidos de Penetración Celular y de la herramienta de edición génica CRISPR/Cas9 en la modelización in vivo de carcinomas uterinos 2022 Dolcet Roca, Xavier; Matias Guiu, Xavier
Implicación de las ectoenzimas ectonucleosido trifosfato difosfohidrolasas (NTPDasas o familia CD39) en mecanismos de progresión tumoral del cáncer de endometrio 2022 Mireia Martín Satué, Xavier Matias-Guiu Guia
Unveiling the therapeutic potential of THC in endometrial cancer 2022 David Llobet-Navas, Xavier Matias-Guiu
Aplicación de los Péptidos de Penetración Celular y de la herramienta de edición génica CRISPR/Cas9 en la modelización in vivo de carcinomas uterinos 2022 Dolcet Roca, Xavier; Matias Guiu, Xavier
Aplicació de tecnologies d'alt rendiment per l'anàlisi d'alteracions moleculars i l'heterogeneïtat intratumoral en el cáncer d'endometri 2020 Ana Velasco, Xavier Matias-Guiu
EV-associated miRNA as a new source of biomarkers in endometrial, colorectal and lung cancers 2019 Xavier Matias-Guiu, Eva Colas, David Llobet.
Estudi del paper de TGFbeta en la carcinogenesi causada per la deficiencia de PTEN 2019 Xavier Dolcet, Xavier Matias-Guiu
Estudi del paper d'E2F-1 i Ciclina D1 en tumors solids deficients per PTEN i avaluació de teràpies dirigides 2018 Xavier Dolcet y Xavier Matias-Guiu
Utilitat de la Inmunohistoquimica i els Tissue Microarrays en l'estudi dels Tumors Solids 2017 Rosa M Marti Laborda y Xavier Matias-Guiu
Factores predictivos de respuesta en el tratamiento del cáncer de recto: Estudio de la asociación entre la activación del factor nuclear KB, la proteina inhibitoria Flice y el factor inducido por la h 2016 Antonieta Salud y Xavier Matias-Guiu
Co-directora de tesis: Utilitat de la immunohistoquímica i els tissue micro arrays en el coneixament de les alteracions moleculars del càncer d'endometri 2015 Matias Guiu, Xavier; Yeramian, Andree
Estudio de PTEN como supresor tumoral: desarrollo de modelos animales, evaluación de terapias dirigidas e interacción con el proceso inflamatorio. 2015 Xavi Dolcet Roca; Xavier Matias-Guiu
Marcadores Moleculares de Diagnóstico y Pronóstico en Carcinomas del Epitelio Folicular Tiroideo 2014 Didac Mauricio Puente y Mercedes Robledo
Alteraciones moleculares relacionadas con el carcinoma medular de tiroides. Estudio mediante immunohistoquímica y tissue-microarrays. 2014 Francisco Javier Matias-Guiu i Mario Encinas
Biomarcadores predictivos de respuesta al tratamiento en cáncer de mama por immunohistiquímica. 2014 Francisco Javier Matias-Guiu i Maria Antonia Salud
Estudi dels efectes antineoplàsics del tractament amb Vorinostat, vitamina D i radioteràpia en el càncer d'endometri. 2013 Francisco Javier Matias-Guiu i Xavier Dolcet
Identification of signalling pathways and specifically miRNA altered in familial and sporadic forms of medullary thyroid tumors 2012 Mercedes Robledo y Francisco Javier Matias-Guiu
Modelització de l’endometri en cultius en tres dimensions: Estudis en morfogènesi i oncogènesi endometrial 2012 Xavier Matias-guiu; Xavier Dolcet
Oncogenes y Genes Supresores de Tumor en Carcinoma de Endometrio 2012 Xavier Dolcet; Xavier Matias-Guiu
Estudi dels mecanismes moleculars implicats en la sensibilització a l’apoptosi en cèl·lules de carcinoma d’endometri. 2009 Xavi Dolcet/Xavier Matias-Guiu
Estudio de los efectos de la aplicación tópica de imiquimod al 5% en la apoptosis del carcinoma basocelular 2003 Agustí Alomar i Xavier Matias-Guiu
Detección de mutaciones puntuales en el gen c-K-ras en tumores ováricos. Implicaciones clinico-patológicas y valor pronóstico 1998 Jaime Prat i Xavier Matias-Guiu
Estudio del DNA del virus del papiloma humano (HPV) en las lesiones escamosas y glandulares del tracto genital inferior femenino 1996 Jaime Prat i Xavier Matias-Guiu
Estudio inmunohistoquímico de los antígenos de grupo sanguineo ABO(H) en la mucosa gástrica 1987 Manuel Guix Pericas
???label.profesorado.recerca.publicaciones??? ???label.profesorado.recerca.any??? ???label.profesorado.recerca.autors??? ???label.profesorado.recerca.tipus???
Molecular features for timely cancer diagnosis and treatment - tumors of the ovary, fallopian tube and endometrium. 2024 Gatius S; Matias Guiu X; Davidson B. Article d'investigació
Hypertension and Risk of Endometrial Cancer: A Pooled Analysis in the Epidemiology of Endometrial Cancer Consortium (E2C2). 2024 Habeshian TS; Peeri NC; De Vivo I; Schouten LJ; Shu XO; Cote ML; Bertrand KA; Chen Y; Clarke MA; Clendenen TV; Cook LS; Costas L; Dal Maso L; Freudenheim JL; Friedenreich CM; Gallagher G; Gierach GL; Article d'investigació
Role of cfDNA and ctDNA to improve the risk stratification and the disease follow-up in patients with endometrial cancer: towards the clinical application. 2024 Casas-Arozamena C; Vilar A; Cueva J; Arias E; Sampayo V; Diaz E; Oltra SS; Moiola CP; Cabrera S; Cortegoso A; Curiel T; Abalo A; Pamies Serrano M; Domingo S; Padilla-Iserte P; Arnaez de la Cruz M; Her Article d'investigació
Contraceptive strategies for reducing the risk of reproductive cancers. 2024 Aliabadi AR; Wilailak S; McNally O; Berek JS; Sridhar A; FIGO Committee on Contraception; FIGO Committee on Women's Cancer. Review
Total Effective Xenoestrogen Burden in Serum Samples and Risk of Endometrial Cancer in the Spanish Screenwide Case-Control Study. 2024 Costas L; Frias-Gomez J; Peinado FM; Molina-Molina JM; Peremiquel-Trillas P; Paytubi S; Crous-Bou M; de Francisco J; Caño V; Benavente Y; Pelegrina B; Martínez JM; Pineda M; Brunet J; Matias-Guiu X; d Article d'investigació
Perceptions of Controversies and Unresolved Issues in the 2014 FIGO Staging System for Endometrial Cancer: Survey Results From Members of the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists and In 2024 Kayraklioglu N; Katsakhyan L; Cohen PA; Singh N; Rabban JT; Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
FIGO position statement on opportunistic salpingectomy as an ovarian cancer prevention strategy. 2024 Mor-Hadar D; Wilailak S; Berek J; McNally OM; FIGO Committee on Women's Cancer. Article d'investigació
Histologic and Molecular Type Changes in Endometrial Cancer Recurrences in Comparison With Their Corresponding Primary Tumors. 2024 Moreno-Moreno E; Caniego-Casas T; Carretero-Barrio I; Cortés A; Muriel A; Domínguez-Rullán JA; Martín-Gromaz C; Moreno-Bueno G; Matías-Guiu X; Palacios J; Pérez-Mies B. Article d'investigació
Endometrial epithelial cell organoids as tools for studying the CD39 family of enzymes and for validating enzyme inhibitors. 2024 Rodríguez-Martínez A; Torrejón-Escribano B; Eritja N; Dorca-Arévalo J; Gabaldón C; Sévigny J; Matias-Guiu X; Martín-Satué M. Article d'investigació
Editorial: Molecular pathology as basis for timely cancer diagnosis and therapy. 2024 Matias-Guiu X; Hoefler G. Article d'investigació
Fertility-sparing treatment and follow-up in patients with cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, and borderline ovarian tumours: guidelines from ESGO, ESHRE, and ESGE 2024 Morice P; Scambia G; Abu-Rustum NR; Acien M; Arena A; Brucker S; Cheong Y; Collinet P; Fanfani F; Filippi F; Eriksson AGZ; Gouy S; Harter P; Matias-Guiu X; Pados G; Pakiz M; Querleu D; Rodolakis A; Ro Review
Response: Analysis of adjuvant therapy in early staged endometrioid endometrial cancer-FIGO 2023 classification. 2024 Mutch D; Gaffney D; Matias-Guiu X; Fotopoulou C; Concin N; Berek JS; FIGO Endometrial Cancer Subcommittee. Article d'investigació
Ovarian cancer relies on the PDGFRβ-fibronectin axis for tumorsphere formation and metastatic spread. 2024 Gendrau-Sanclemente N; Figueras A; Gracova K; Lahiguera Á; Alsina-Sanchís E; Marín-Jiménez JA; Vidal A; Matias-Guiu X; Fernandez-Gonzalez S; Barahona M; Martí L; Ponce J; Viñals F. Article d'investigació
Clinical research in endometrial cancer: consensus recommendations from the Gynecologic Cancer InterGroup. 2024 Creutzberg CL; Kim JW; Eminowicz G; Allanson E; Eberst L; Kim SI; Nout RA; Park JY; Lorusso D; Mileshkin L; Ottevanger PB; Brand A; Mezzanzanica D; Oza A; Gebski V; Pothuri B; Batley T; Gordon C; Mitr Article d'investigació
Response: FIGO staging of endometrial cancer 2023. 2024 Concin N; Matias-Guiu X; Fotopoulou C; Creutzberg C; Mutch D; Gaffney D; Lindemann K; Kehoe S; Berek JS; FIGO Committee on Women's Cancer. Article d'investigació
ESGO-ESMO-ESP consensus conference recommendations on ovarian cancer: pathology and molecular biology and early, advanced and recurrent disease. 2024 Ledermann JA; Matias-Guiu X; Amant F; Concin N; Davidson B; Fotopoulou C; González-Martin A; Gourley C; Leary A; Lorusso D; Banerjee S; Chiva L; Cibula D; Colombo N; Croce S; Eriksson AG; Falandry C; Article d'investigació
2023 FIGO staging system for endometrial cancer: The evolution of the revolution. 2024 Gaffney D; Matias-Guiu X; Mutch D; Scambia G; Creutzberg C; Fotopoulou C; Berek JS; Concin N. Review
Tumor specimen cold ischemia time impacts molecular cancer drug target discovery 2024 von der Heyde, S.; Raman, N.; Gabelia, N.; Matias Guiu, X.; Yoshino, T.; Tsukada, Y.; Melino, G.; Marshall, J.L.; Wellstein, A.; Juhl, H.; Landgrebe, J. Article d'investigació
Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatotic Liver Disease in Severe Obesity and Concordance Between Invasive (Biopsy) and Non-Invasive (OWLiver®) Diagnoses 2024 Navarro Masip, Èlia; Mestres Petit, Núria; Salinas Roca, Blanca; Herrerías, Fernando; Vilardell, Felip; de la Fuente, Maricruz; Pallares, Judit; Santamaría, Maite; Zorzano Martínez, Marta; Sanchez, En Article d'investigació
In Vivo Intra-Uterine Delivery of TAT-Fused Cre Recombinase and CRISPR/Cas9 Editing System in Mice Unveil Histopathology of Pten/p53-Deficient Endometrial Cancers 2023 Navaridas, R.; Vidal Sabanés, M.; Ruiz Mitjana, A.; Altés, G.; Perramon Güell, A.; Yeramian, A.; Egea, J.; Encinas, M.; Gatius, S.; Matias Guiu, X.; Dolcet, X. Article d'investigació
Metformin exhibits antineoplastic effects on Pten-deficient endometrial cancer by interfering with TGF-β and p38/ERK MAPK signalling 2023 Ruiz Mitjana, Anna; Vidal Sabanés, Maria; Navaridas, Raúl; Perramon Güell, Aida; Yeramian, Andree; Nicholson Sabaté, Nathan; Egea, Joaquim; Encinas, Mario; Matias Guiu, Xavier; Dolcet, Xavier Article d'investigació
AMPK is a mechano-metabolic sensor linking cell adhesion and mitochondrial dynamics to Myosin-dependent cell migration 2023 Crosas Molist, E., Graziani, V.; Maiques, O.; Pandya, P.; Monger, J., Samain, R.; George, .SL.; Malik, S.; Salise, J.; Morales, V.; Le Guennec, A.; Atkinson, R.A.; Marti, R.M.; Matias Guiu, X.; Charra Article d'investigació
LAP1 supports nuclear adaptability during constrained melanoma cell migration and invasion. 2023 Jung Garcia, Y.; Maiques, O.; Monger, J.; Rodriguez Hernandez, I.; Fanshawe, B.; Domart, M.C.; Renshaw, M.J.; Marti, R.M.; Matias Guiu, X.; Collinson, L.M.; Sanz Moreno, V.; Carlton, J.G. Article d'investigació
Transient and dna-free in vivo crispr/cas9 genome editing for flexible modeling of endometrial carcinogenesis 2023 Navaridas, Raúl; Vidal Sabanés, Maria; Ruiz Mitjana, Anna; Perramon Güell, Aida; Megino Luque, Cristina; Llobet Navas, David; Matias Guiu, Xavier; Egea, Joaquim; Encinas, Mario; Bardia, Lídia; Colombe Article d'investigació
Oxidative-stress-induced FAK activation contributes to uterine serous carcinoma aggressiveness. 2023 Lopez Mejia. I.C.; Pijuan, J.; Navaridas, R.; Santacana, M.; Gatius, S.; Velasco, A.; Castellà, G.; Panosa, A.; Cabiscol, E.; Pinyol, M.; Coll, L.; Bonifaci, N.; Plata Peña, L.; Vidal, A.; Villanueva, Article d'investigació
FIGO staging of endometrial cancer: 2023. 2023 Berek JS; Matias-Guiu X; Creutzberg C; Fotopoulou C; Gaffney D; Kehoe S; Lindemann K; Mutch D; Concin N; Endometrial Cancer Staging Subcommittee; FIGO Women's Cancer Committee. Article d'investigació
An easy, fast, and accurate way for implementing the standards of care for the management of patients with endometrial carcinoma into daily clinical practice: the ESGO mobile app. 2023 Gaillard T; Schwameis R; Laas-Faron E; Eisenberg-Nissim T; Matias-Guiu X; Creutzberg CL; Ledermann J; Planchamp F; Concin N. Article d'investigació
Evaluation of Somatic Mutations in Urine Samples as a Noninvasive Method for the Detection and Molecular Classification of Endometrial Cancer. 2023 Costas L; Onieva I; Pelegrina B; Marin F; Carmona Á; López-Querol M; Frias-Gomez J; Peremiquel-Trillas P; Martínez JM; Dorca E; Brunet J; Pineda M; Ponce J; Matias-Guiu X; de Sanjosé S; Bosch FX; Alem Article d'investigació
Undergraduate Pathology: Results of a Survey on Undergraduate Teaching of Pathology in Spanish Medical Schools 2023 Tarragona J; Martínez-Ciarpaglini C; Matias-Guiu X; Hardisson D. Article d'investigació
Cost-effectiveness analysis of molecular testing in minimally invasive samples to detect endometrial cancer in women with postmenopausal bleeding. 2023 Peremiquel-Trillas P; Gómez D; Martínez JM; Fernández-González S; Frias-Gomez J; Paytubi S; Pelegrina B; Pineda M; Brunet J; Ponce J; Matias-Guiu X; Bosch X; de Sanjosé S; Bruni L; Alemany L; Costas L Article d'investigació
Post-mortem findings in Spanish patients with COVID-19; a special focus on superinfections. 2023 Ruiz-Cáceres I; Hermida Romero T; Guerra Merino I; Portu Zapirain J; Pérez-Mies B; Sánchez-Conde M; Riaño MA; Rubio R; Fortés Alen J; Vidal González Á; Salas Antón C; Múñez E; Sánchez Sánchez R; Coron Article d'investigació
Co-occurrence of mutations in NF1 and other susceptibility genes in pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma. 2023 Mellid S; Gil E; Letón R; Caleiras E; Honrado E; Richter S; Palacios N; Lahera M; Galofré JC; López-Fernández A; Calatayud M; Herrera-Martínez AD; Galvez MA; Matias-Guiu X; Balbín M; Korpershoek E; Li Article d'investigació
Preoperative CA125 Significantly Improves Risk Stratification in High-Grade Endometrial Cancer. 2023 Lombaers MS; Cornel KMC; Visser NCM; Bulten J; Küsters-Vandevelde HVN; Amant F; Boll D; Bronsert P; Colas E; Geomini PMAJ; Gil-Moreno A; van Hamont D; Huvila J; Krakstad C; Kraayenbrink AA; Koskas M; Article d'investigació
The WID-EC test for the detection and risk prediction of endometrial cancer. 2023 Barrett JE; Jones A; Evans I; Herzog C; Reisel D; Olaitan A; Mould T; MacDonald N; Doufekas K; Newton C; Crosbie EJ; Bjørge L; Colombo N; Dostalek L; Costas L; Peremiquel-Trillas P; Ponce J; Matias-Gu Article d'investigació
Evaluation of somatic mutations in cervicovaginal samples as a non-invasive method for the detection and molecular classification of endometrial cancer. 2023 Pelegrina B; Paytubi S; Marin F; Martínez JM; Carmona Á; Frias-Gomez J; Peremiquel-Trillas P; Dorca E; Zanca A; López-Querol M; Onieva I; Benavente Y; Barahona M; Fernandez-Gonzalez S; De Francisco J; Article d'investigació
Molecular profiling and feasibility using a comprehensive hybrid capture panel on a consecutive series of non-small-cell lung cancer patients from a single centre. 2023 Mosteiro M; Azuara D; Villatoro S; Alay A; Gausachs M; Varela M; Baixeras N; Pijuan L; Ajenjo-Bauza M; Lopez-Doriga A; Teulé Á; Solanes A; Palmero R; Brenes J; Jové M; Padrones S; Moreno V; Cordero D; Article d'investigació
Response: FIGO staging of endometrial cancer: 2023. 2023 Berek JS; Matias-Guiu X; FIGO Endometrial Cancer Staging Subcommittee; FIGO Women's Cancer Committee. Article d'investigació
Occupational exposure to pesticides and endometrial cancer in the Screenwide case-control study. 2023 Peñalver-Piñol A; Benavente Y; Frias-Gomez J; Alguacil J; Santibañez M; Contreras-Llanes M; Peremiquel-Trillas P; López-Querol M; Paytubi S; Pelegrina B; Onieva I; Martínez JM; Fernandez-Gonzalez S; F Article d'investigació
Validation of Modaplex POLE mutation assay in endometrial carcinoma. 2023 Dorca E; Velasco A; Varela M; Gatius S; Villatoro S; Fullana N; Cuevas D; Vaquero M; Birnbaum A; Neumann K; Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
New FIGO 2023 endometrial cancer staging validation. Welcome to the first molecular classifiers and new pathological variables! 2023 Vergote I; Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
Response: FIGO staging of endometrial cancer 2023. 2023 Concin N; Matias-Guiu X; Fotopoulou C; Creutzberg C; Mutch D; Gaffney D; Lindemann K; Kehoe S; Berek JS; FIGO Committee on Women's Cancer. Article d'investigació
FIGO staging of endometrial cancer: 2023. 2023 Berek JS; Matias-Guiu X; Creutzberg C; Fotopoulou C; Gaffney D; Kehoe S; Lindemann K; Mutch D; Concin N; Endometrial Cancer Staging Subcommittee; FIGO Women's Cancer Committee. Article d'investigació
Exploring the Immunogenicity of Noncanonical HLA-I Tumor Ligands Identified through Proteogenomics. 2023 Lozano-Rabella M; Garcia-Garijo A; Palomero J; Yuste-Estevanez A; Erhard F; Farriol-Duran R; Martín-Liberal J; Ochoa-de-Olza M; Matos I; Gartner JJ; Ghosh M; Canals F; Vidal A; Piulats JM; Matías-Guiu Article d'investigació
CD73 controls Myosin II-driven invasion, metastasis, and immunosuppression in amoeboid pancreatic cancer cells. 2023 Samain R; Maiques O; Monger J; Lam H; Candido J; George S; Ferrari N; KohIhammer L; Lunetto S; Varela A; Orgaz JL; Vilardell F; Olsina JJ; Matias-Guiu X; Sarker D; Biddle A; Balkwill FR; Eyles J; Wilk Article d'investigació
Netrin-1 blockade inhibits tumour growth and EMT features in endometrial cancer 2023 Cassier, P.A.; Navaridas, R.; Bellina, M.; Rama, N.; Ducarouge, B.; Hernandez Vargas, H.; Delord, J.P.; Lengrand, J.; Paradisi, A.; Fattet, L.; Garin, G.; Gheit, H.; Dalban, C.; Pastushenko, I.; Neves Article d'investigació
Metabolomic-Based Approaches for Endometrial Cancer Diagnosis and Prognosis: A Review 2023 Albertí Valls, M.; Megino Luque, C.; Macià, A.; Gatius, S.; Matias Guiu, X.; Ertija, N. Review
Molecular features for timely cancer diagnosis and treatment - tumors of the ovary, fallopian tube and endometrium. 2023 Gatius S; Matias Guiu X; Davidson B. Review
The Prognostic Significance of Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes, PD-L1, BRCA Mutation Status and Tumor Mutational Burden in Early-Stage High-Grade Serous Ovarian Carcinoma-A Study by the Spanish Group f 2023 Pizarro D; Romero I; Pérez-Mies B; Redondo A; Caniego-Casas T; Carretero-Barrio I; Cristóbal E; Gutiérrez-Pecharromán A; Santaballa A; D'Angelo E; Hardisson D; Vieites B; Matías-Guiu X; Estévez P; Gue Article d'investigació
Highly Sensitive Microsatellite Instability and Immunohistochemistry Assessment in Endometrial Aspirates as a Tool for Cancer Risk Individualization in Lynch Syndrome. 2023 Canet-Hermida J; Marín F; Dorca E; Dueñas N; Costas L; Salinas M; Velasco À; Peremiquel-Trillas P; Paytubi S; Ponce J; Fernández S; Martínez JM; Cárdenas L; Taltavull A; Alemany L; Meléndez C; Olivera Article d'investigació
Night work, chronotype and risk of endometrial cancer in the Screenwide case-control study 2022 Costas, L.; Frias-Gomez, J.; Benavente Moreno, Y.; Peremiquel-Trillas, P.; Carmona, Á.; de Francisco, J.; Caño, V.; Paytubi, S.; Pelegrina, B.; Martínez, J.M.; Pineda, M.; Brunet, J.; Vidal, A.; Matia Article d'investigació
Predicting Ovarian-Cancer Burden in Catalonia by 2030: An Age-Period-Cohort Modelling 2022 Peremiquel-Trillas, P.; Frias-Gomez, J.; Alemany, L.; Ameijide, A.; Vilardell, M.; Marcos-Gragera, R.; Paytubi, S.; Ponce, J.; Martínez, José M.; Pineda, M.; Brunet, J.; Matías-Guiu, X.; Carulla, M.; Article d'investigació
NaroNet: Discovery of tumor microenvironment elements from highly multiplexed images 2022 Jiménez-Sánchez D; Ariz M; Chang H; Matias-Guiu X; de Andrea CE; Ortiz-de-Solórzano C Article d'investigació
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on pathology training: a survey among Spanish residents 2022 Carretero-Barrio I; Lop-Gros J; Iglesias M; Martínez C; Matias-Guiu X; Pérez-Mies B; Palacios J Article d'investigació
Data Set for the Reporting of Endometrial Cancer: Recommendations From the International Collaboration on Cancer Reporting (ICCR). 2022 Matias-Guiu X; Selinger CI; Anderson L; Buza N; Ellenson LH; Fadare O; Ganesan R; Ip PPC; Palacios J; Parra-Herran C; Raspollini MR; Soslow RA; Werner HMJ; Lax SF; McCluggage WG. Article d'investigació
Lessons learnt from the implementation of a colorectal cancer screening programme for lynch syndrome in a tertiary public hospital 2022 Dueñas N; Navarro M; Sanjuán X; Ruiz N; Iglesias S; Matias-Guiu X; Guardiola J; Kreisler E; Biondo S; González S; Legido R; Blanco A; Navarro S; Asiain L; Santos C; Capellá G; Pineda M; Brunet J. Article d'investigació
Relevance of Molecular Profiling in Patients With Low-Grade Endometrial Cancer. 2022 Vos MC; van Altena AM; Asberger J; Sweegers S; van Weelden WJ; van der Putten LJM; Amant F; Visser NCM; Snijders MPLM; Küsters-Vandevelde HVN; Kruitwagen R; Matias-Guiu X; Weinberger V; Reijnen C; Pij Article d'investigació
Biomarkers of tumor-reactive CD4+ and CD8+ TILs associate with improved prognosis in endometrial cancer. 2022 Palomero, J.; Panisello, C.; Lozano-Rabella, M.; Tirtakasuma, R.; Díaz-Gómez, J.; Grases, D.; Pasamar, H.; Arregui, L.; Dorca Duch, E.; Guerra Fernández, E.; Vivancos, A.; de Andrea, C.E.; Melero, I.; Article d'investigació
CRABP2 - A novel biomarker for high-risk endometrial cancer 2022 Egan D; Moran B; Wilkinson M; Pinyol M; Guerra E; Gatius S; Matias-Guiu X; Kolch W; le Roux CW; Brennan DJ Article d'investigació
M-CSF as a therapeutic target in BRAFV600E melanoma resistant to BRAF inhibitors. 2022 Barceló C; Sisó P; de la Rosa I; Megino-Luque C; Navaridas R; Maiques O; Urdanibia I; Eritja N; Soria X; Potrony M; Calbet-Llopart N; Puig S; Matías-Guiu X; Martí RM; Macià A. Article d'investigació
ARID1A-deficient cells require HDAC6 for progression of endometrial carcinoma. 2022 Megino Luque, C.; Sisó, P.; Mota Martorell, N.; Navaridas, R.; de la Rosa, I.; Urdanibia, I.; Albertí Valls, M.; Santacana, M.; Pinyol, M.; Bonifaci, N.; Macià, A.; Llobet Navas, D.; Gatius, S.; Matia Article d'investigació
Lack of extracellular matrix switches TGF-β induced apoptosis of endometrial cells to epithelial to mesenchymal transition 2022 Ruiz Mitjana, A.; Navaridas, R.; Vidal Sabanés, M.; Perramon Güell, A.; Yeramian, A.; Felip, I.; Eritja, N.; Egea, J.; Encinas, M.; Matias Guiu, X.; Dolcet, X. Article d'investigació
Metabolomic Analysis Points to Bioactive Lipid Species and Acireductone Dioxygenase 1 (ADI1) as Potential Therapeutic Targets in Poor Prognosis Endometrial Cancer 2022 Gatius, S.; Jove, M.; Megino Luque, C.; Albertí Valls, M.; Yeramian, A.; Bonifaci, N.; Piñol, M.; Santacana, M.; Pradas, I.; Llobet Navas, D.; Pamplona, R.; Matías Guiu, X.; Eritja, N. Article d'investigació
An Integrated Approach for the Early Detection of Endometrial and Ovarian Cancers (Screenwide Study): Rationale, Study Design and Pilot Study. 2022 Peremiquel-Trillas P; Paytubi S; Pelegrina B; Frias-Gomez J; Carmona Á; Martínez JM; de Francisco J; Benavente Y; Barahona M; Briansó F; Canet-Hermida J; Caño V; Vidal A; Zanca A; Baixeras N; Rodrígue Article d'investigació
Generation and Integrated Analysis of Advanced Patient-Derived Orthoxenograft Models (PDOX) for the Rational Assessment of Targeted Therapies in Endometrial Cancer. 2022 Devis-Jauregui L; Vidal A; Plata-Peña L; Santacana M; García-Mulero S; Bonifaci N; Noguera-Delgado E; Ruiz N; Gil M; Dorca E; Llobet FJ; Coll-Iglesias L; Gassner K; Martinez-Iniesta M; Rodriguez-Barru Article d'investigació
Comparison of the Idylla™ MSI assay with the Promega™ MSI Analysis System and immunohistochemistry on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue of endometrial carcinoma: results from an international, m 2022 Gatius S; Velasco A; Varela M; Cuatrecasas M; Jares P; Setaffy L; Bonhomme B; Santon A; Lindemann K; Croce S; Davidson B; Lax S; Palacios J; Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
Vulvar High-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions Treated with Imiquimod: Can Persistence of Human Papillomavirus Predict Recurrence? 2022 Fernández-Montolí ME; Heydari F; Lavecchia F; Pavón MÂ; Guerra E; Matias-Guiu X; Marti MD; Tous S. Article d'investigació
Integrating digital pathology with transcriptomic and epigenomic tools for predicting metastatic uterine tumor aggressiveness. 2022 Sonzini G; Granados-Aparici S; Sanegre S; Diaz-Lagares A; Diaz-Martin J; de Andrea C; Eritja N; Bao-Caamano A; Costa-Fraga N; García-Ros D; Salguero-Aranda C; Davidson B; López-López R; Melero I; Nava Article d'investigació
The amount of preoperative endometrial tissue surface in relation to final endometrial cancer classification. 2022 Vrede SW; Hulsman AMC; Reijnen C; Van de Vijver K; Colas E; Mancebo G; Moiola CP; Gil-Moreno A; Huvila J; Koskas M; Weinberger V; Minar L; Jandakova E; Santacana M; Matias-Guiu X; Amant F; Snijders MP Article d'investigació
DigiPatICS: Digital Pathology Transformation of the Catalan Health Institute Network of 8 Hospitals-Planification, Implementation, and Preliminary Results. 2022 Temprana-Salvador J; López-García P; Castellví Vives J; de Haro L; Ballesta E; Rojas Abusleme M; Arrufat M; Marques F; Casas JR; Gallego C; Pons L; Mate JL; Fernández PL; López-Bonet E; Bosch R; Martí Article d'investigació
M-CSF as a therapeutic target in BRAF V600E melanoma resistant to BRAF inhibitors 2022 Barceló, C.; Sisó, P.; de la Rosa, I.; Megino Luque, C.; Navaridas, R.; Maiques, O.; Urdanibia, I.; Eritja, N.; Soria, X.; Potrony, M.; Calbet Llopart, N.; Puig, S.; Matías Guiu, X.; Martí, R.M.; Maci Article d'investigació
Facts and Hopes in Immunotherapy of Endometrial Cancer 2022 Marín-Jiménez JA; García-Mulero S; Matías-Guiu X; Piulats JM. Review
A Simple Cervicovaginal Epigenetic Test for Screening and Rapid Triage of Women With Suspected Endometrial Cancer: Validation in Several Cohort and Case/Control Sets 2022 Herzog, C.; Marín, F.; Jones, A.; Evans, I.; Reisel, D.; Redl, E.; Schreiberhuber, L.; Paytubi, S.; Pelegrina, B.; Carmona, Á.; Peremiquel-Trillas, P.; Frias-Gomez, J.; Pineda, M.; Brunet, J.; Ponce, Article d'investigació
The Spanish Society of Pathology's policy document concerning the necessity for technical coordination in Pathology departments 2022 García-García M; Álvarez Alegret R; Perez-Mies B; Iglesias M; Ramón Y Cajal S; Matías-Guiu X; Rodríguez Peralto JL. Article d'investigació
Intratumor genetic heterogeneity and clonal evolution to decode endometrial cancer progression. 2022 Mota A; Oltra SS; Selenica P; Moiola CP; Casas-Arozamena C; López-Gil C; Diaz E; Gatius S; Ruiz-Miro M; Calvo A; Rojo-Sebastián A; Hurtado P; Piñeiro R; Colas E; Gil-Moreno A; Reis-Filho JS; Muinelo-R Article d'investigació
Docencia de pregrado en anatomía patológica. Resultados de la encuesta sobre la docencia de la asignatura de anatomía patológica en los estudios de pregrado de las facultades de medicina españolas 2022 Tarragona, Jordi; Martínez Ciarpaglini, Carolina; Matías Guiu, Xavier; Hardisson, David Article docent
Myosin Vb as a tumor suppressor gene in intestinal cancer 2022 Cartón García, Fernando; Brotons, Bruno; Anguita, Estefanía; Dopeso, Higinio; Tarragona, Jordi; Nieto, Rocio; García Vidal, Elia; Macaya, Irati; Zagyva, Zsuzsanna; Dalmau, Mariona; Sánchez Martín, Man Article d'investigació
Endometrial PTEN Deficiency Leads to SMAD2/3 Nuclear Translocation. 2021 Eritja, N.; Navaridas, R.; Ruiz Mitjana, A.; Vidal Sabanés, M.; Egea, J.; Encinas, M, Matias Guiu, X.; Dolcet, X. Article en revista divulgativa
Differential Immunoexpression of BRAF/V600E, Senescence Markers, PTEN, and T-type Calcium Channels in Acquired Naevi According to their Histopathological and Dermoscopic Classification. 2021 Moreno, S.; Maiques, O.; Barcelo, C.; Romero, M.; Santacana, M.; Gómez, I.; Cuevas, D.; Velasco, A.; Vea, A.; Macia, A.; Boix, R.; Valls, J.; Gatius, S.; Canti, C.; Matias Guiu, X.; Soria, X.; Marti, Article d'investigació
ESGO/ESTRO/ESP guidelines for the management of patients with endometrial carcinoma. 2021 Concin, N.; Matias Guiu, X.; Vergote, I.; Cibula, D.; Mirza, M.R.; Marnitz, S.; Ledermann, J.; Bosse, T.; Chargari, C.; Fagotti, A.; Fotopoulou, C.; Gonzalez Martin, A.; Lax, S.; Lorusso, D.; Marth, C Article d'investigació
Predicting the rising incidence and mortality of endometrial cancers among women aged 65-74 years in Catalonia. 2021 Frias Gomez, J.; Peremiquel Trillas, P.; Alemany, L.; Ameijide, A.; Marcos Gragera, R.; Ponce, J.; Brunet, J.; Matias Guiu, X.; Galceran, J.; Izquierdo, Á.; Borràs, J.M.; Costas, L.; Clèries, R. Article d'investigació
BRAFV600E Mutant Allele Frequency (MAF) Influences Melanoma Clinicopathologic Characteristics 2021 Soria, X.; Vilardell, F.; Maiques, Ó.; Barceló, C.; Sisó, P.; de la Rosa, I.; Velasco, A.; Cuevas, D.; Santacana, M.; Gatius, S.; Matías Guiu, X.; Rodrigo, A.; Macià, A.; Martí, R.M. Article d'investigació
Understanding the Molecular Mechanism of miR-877-3p Could Provide Potential Biomarkers and Therapeutic Targets in Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Cervix. 2021 Mendaza S; Fernández-Irigoyen J; Santamaría E; Arozarena I; Guerrero-Setas D; Zudaire T; Guarch R; Vidal A; Salas JS; Matias-Guiu X; Ausín K; Gil C; Hernández-Alcoceba R; Martín-Sánchez E. Article d'investigació
Characterization of the Endometrial MSC Marker Ectonucleoside Triphosphate Diphosphohydrolase-2 (NTPDase2/CD39L1) in Low- and High-Grade Endometrial Carcinomas: Loss of Stromal Expression in the Invas 2021 Rodríguez-Martínez A; Trapero C; Vidal A; Piulats JM; Gómez de Aranda I; Sévigny J; Fernández-Montolí ME; Ponce J; Matias-Guiu X; Martín-Satué M.J Article d'investigació
Reproducibility of scoring criteria for HER2 immunohistochemistry in endometrial serous carcinoma: a multi-institutional interobserver agreement study. 2021 Buza N; Euscher ED; Matias-Guiu X; McHenry A; Oliva E; Ordulu Z; Parra-Herran C; Rottmann D; Turner BM; Wong S; Hui P. Article d'investigació
Paired Somatic-Germline Testing of 15 Polyposis and Colorectal Cancer-Predisposing Genes Highlights the Role of APC Mosaicism in de Novo Familial Adenomatous Polyposis. 2021 Rofes P; González S; Navarro M; Moreno-Cabrera JM; Solanes A; Darder E; Carrasco E; Iglesias S; Salinas M; Gómez C; Velasco À; Tuset N; Varela M; Llort G; Ramon Y Cajal T; Grau È; Dueñas N; de la Ossa Article d'investigació
Clonal relationship and directionality of progression of synchronous endometrial and ovarian carcinomas in patients with DNA mismatch repair-deficiency associated syndromes. 2021 Moukarzel LA; Da Cruz Paula A; Ferrando L; Hoang T; Sebastiao APM; Pareja F; Park KJ; Jungbluth AA; Capella G; Pineda M; Levin JD; Abu-Rustum NR; Ellenson LH; Bel AV; Reis-Filho JS; Matias-Guiu X; Cad Article d'investigació
Correction: Dueñas et al. Assessing Effectiveness of Colonic and Gynecological Risk Reducing Surgery in Lynch Syndrome Individuals. Cancers 2020, 12, 3419. 2021 Dueñas N; Navarro M; Teulé À; Solanes A; Salinas M; Iglesias S; Munté E; Ponce J; Guardiola J; Kreisler E; Carballas E; Cuadrado M; Matias-Guiu X; de la Ossa N; Lop J; Lázaro C; Capellá G; Pineda M; B Article d'investigació
Response to: Are we confident treating pT1a G1 lymphovascular space invasion-negative patients (with myometrial invasion) with chemoradiotherapy on the basis of p53abn? 2021 Concin N; Matias-Guiu X; Creutzberg CL; ESGO-ESTRO-ESP Endometrial Carcinoma Guideline Working Group. Article d'investigació
Immunohistochemical biomarkers are prognostic relevant in addition to the ESMO-ESGO-ESTRO risk classification in endometrial cancer. 2021 Vrede SW; van Weelden WJ; Visser NCM; Bulten J; van der Putten LJM; van de Vijver K; Santacana M; Colas E; Gil-Moreno A; Moiola CP; Mancebo G; Krakstad C; Trovik J; Haldorsen IS; Huvila J; Koskas M; W Article d'investigació
M-TRAP: Safety and performance of metastatic tumor cell trap device in advanced ovarian cancer patients. 2021 Gil-Moreno A; Alonso-Alconada L; Díaz-Feijoo B; Domingo S; Vilar A; Hernández A; Gilabert J; Llueca A; Torné A; de Santiago J; Carbonell-Socias M; Lago V; Arias E; Sampayo V; Siegrist J; Chipirliu A; Article d'investigació
Sensitivity of cervical cytology in endometrial cancer detection in a tertiary hospital in Spain. 2021 Frias-Gomez J; Tovar E; Vidal A; Murgui L; Ibáñez R; Peremiquel-Trillas P; Paytubi S; Baixeras N; Zanca A; Ponce J; Pineda M; Brunet J; de Sanjosé S; Bosch FX; Matias-Guiu X; Alemany L; Costas L; Scre Article d'investigació
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the care of cancer patients in Spain. 2021 Amador M; Matias-Guiu X; Sancho-Pardo G; Contreras Martinez J; de la Torre-Montero JC; Peñuelas Saiz A; Garrido P; García-Sanz R; Rodríguez-Lescure Á; Paz-Ares L. Article d'investigació
Clonal relationship in multisited mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphomas: a single-centre experience. 2021 Condom M; Climent F; Fernández D; Colomer D; Lopez-Guerra M; Varela M; Carro I; Maluquer C; Mercadal S; Oliveira AC; Pané M; Matias-Guiu X; González-Barca E; Sureda A; Domingo-Domenech E. Article d'investigació
Diagnosis and management of an endometrial cancer patient with Cowden syndrome. 2021 Manning-Geist BL; Gatius S; Liu Y; Gil M; Da Cruz Paula A; Tuset N; Abu-Rustum NR; Aghajanian C; Weigelt B; Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
The Role of Predictive Biomarkers in Endocervical Adenocarcinoma: Recommendations From the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists. 2021 Bosse T; Lax S; Abu-Rustum N; Matias-Guiu X. Review
A four-year Action Plan for the Sociedad Española de Anatomía Patológica 2021 Matias-Guiu X; Rodríguez Peralto JL. Article d'investigació
Relevance of pathologic features in risk stratification for early-stage endometrial cancer 2021 Guerra E; Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
ESGO/ESTRO/ESP guidelines for the management of patients with endometrial carcinoma. 2021 Concin N; Matias-Guiu X; Vergote I; Cibula D; Mirza MR; Marnitz S; Ledermann J; Bosse T; Chargari C; Fagotti A; Fotopoulou C; Martin AG; Lax S; Lorusso D; Marth C; Morice P; Nout RA; O'Donnell D; Quer Article d'investigació
SMARCA4 deficient tumours are vulnerable to KDM6A/UTX and KDM6B/JMJD3 blockade. 2021 Romero OA; Vilarrubi A; Alburquerque-Bejar JJ; Gomez A; Andrades A; Trastulli D; Pros E; Setien F; Verdura S; Farré L; Martín-Tejera JF; Llabata P; Oaknin A; Saigi M; Piulats JM; Matias-Guiu X; Medina Article d'investigació
ESGO/ESTRO/ESP Guidelines for the management of patients with endometrial carcinoma. 2021 Concin N; Creutzberg CL; Vergote I; Cibula D; Mirza MR; Marnitz S; Ledermann JA; Bosse T; Chargari C; Fagotti A; Fotopoulou C; González-Martín A; Lax SF; Lorusso D; Marth C; Morice P; Nout RA; O'Donne Article d'investigació
Characterizing the Invasive Tumor Front of Aggressive Uterine Adenocarcinoma and Leiomyosarcoma. 2021 Sanegre, S.; Eritja, N.; de Andrea, C.; Diaz Martin, J.; Diaz Lagares, Á.; Jácome, M.A.; Salguero Aranda, C.; García Ros, D.; Davidson, B.; Lopez, R.; Melero, I.; Navarro, S.; Ramon Y Cajal, S.; de Al Article d'investigació
Intratumor heterogeneity in endometrial serous carcinoma assessed by targeted sequencing and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA). A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY. 2020 Cuevas D; Velasco A; Vaquero M; Santacana M; Gatius S; Eritja N; Estaran E; Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
Clinical performance evaluation of the Idylla™ EGFR Mutation Test on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue of non-small cell lung cancer. 2020 Delgado-García M; Weynand B; Gómez-Izquierdo L; Hernández MJ; Blanco ÁM; Varela M; Matias-Guiu X; Nadal E; Márquez-Lobo B; Alarcão A; de Álava E; Biscuola M. Article d'investigació
Absence of Nuclear p16 Is a Diagnostic and Independent Prognostic Biomarker in Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Cervix. 2020 Mendaza S; Fernández-Irigoyen J; Santamaría E; Zudaire T; Guarch R; Guerrero-Setas D; Vidal A; Santos-Salas J; Matias-Guiu X; Ausín K; Díaz de Cerio MJ; Martín-Sánchez E. Article d'investigació
Preoperative risk stratification in endometrial cancer (ENDORISK) by a Bayesian network model: A development and validation study. 2020 Reijnen C; Gogou E; Visser NCM; Engerud H; Ramjith J; van der Putten LJM; van de Vijver K; Santacana M; Bronsert P; Bulten J; Hirschfeld M; Colas E; Gil-Moreno A; Reques A; Mancebo G; Krakstad C; Trov Article d'investigació
Poly(adenosine diphosphate ribose) polymerase inhibitors induce autophagy-mediated drug resistance in ovarian cancer cells, xenografts, and patient-derived xenograft models. 2020 Santiago-O'Farrill JM; Weroha SJ; Hou X; Oberg AL; Heinzen EP; Maurer MJ; Pang L; Rask P; Amaravadi RK; Becker SE; Romero I; Rubio MJ; Matias-Guiu X; Santacana M; Llombart-Cussac A; Poveda A; Lu Z; Ba Article d'investigació
Biomimetic device and foreign body reaction cooperate for efficient tumour cell capture in murine advanced ovarian cancer. 2020 Alonso-Alconada L; de la Fuente A; Santacana M; Ferreiros A; Lopez-Lopez R; Matias-Guiu X; Abal M. Article d'investigació
Novel DNMT3A Germline Variant in a Patient with Multiple Paragangliomas and Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma. 2020 Mellid S; Coloma J; Calsina B; Monteagudo M; Roldán-Romero JM; Santos M; Leandro-García LJ; Lanillos J; Martínez-Montes ÁM; Rodríguez-Antona C; Montero-Conde C; Martínez-López J; Ayala R; Matias-Guiu Article d'investigació
Assessing Effectiveness of Colonic and Gynecological Risk Reducing Surgery in Lynch Syndrome Individuals. 2020 Dueñas N; Navarro M; Teulé À; Solanes A; Salinas M; Iglesias S; Munté E; Ponce J; Guardiola J; Kreisler E; Carballas E; Cuadrado M; Matias-Guiu X; de la Ossa N; Lop J; Lázaro C; Capellá G; Pineda M; B Article d'investigació
Complete Loss of EPCAM Immunoexpression Identifies EPCAM Deletion Carriers in MSH2-Negative Colorectal Neoplasia. 2020 Cuatrecasas M; Gorostiaga I; Riera C; Saperas E; Llort G; Costa I; Matias-Guiu X; Carrato C; Navarro M; Pineda M; Dueñas N; Brunet J; Marco V; Trias I; Busteros JI; Mateu G; Balaguer F; Fernández-Figu Article d'investigació
Detection of somatic mutations in peritoneal lavages and plasma of endometrial cancer patients: A proof-of-concept study. 2020 Mayo-de-Las-Casas C; Velasco A; Sanchez D; Martínez-Bueno A; Garzón-Ibáñez M; Gatius S; Ruiz-Miró M; Gonzalez-Tallada X; Llordella I; Tresserra F; Rodríguez S; Aldeguer E; Roman-Canal B; Bertran-Alami Article d'investigació
Clonal relationship and directionality of progression of synchronous endometrial and ovarian carcinomas in patients with DNA mismatch repair-deficiency associated syndromes. 2020 Moukarzel LA; Da Cruz Paula A; Ferrando L; Hoang T; Sebastiao APM; Pareja F; Park KJ; Jungbluth AA; Capella G; Pineda M; Levin JD; Abu-Rustum NR; Ellenson LH; Bel AV; Reis-Filho JS; Matias-Guiu X; Cad Article d'investigació
Sensitivity of cervico-vaginal cytology in endometrial carcinoma: A systematic review and meta-analysis. 2020 Frias-Gomez J; Benavente Y; Ponce J; Brunet J; Ibáñez R; Peremiquel-Trillas P; Baixeras N; Zanca A; Piulats JM; Aytés Á; Matias-Guiu X; Bosch FX; de Sanjosé S; Alemany L; Costas L; Screenwide Team. Article d'investigació
Genomic profiling of primary and recurrent adult granulosa cell tumors of the ovary. 2020 Da Cruz Paula A; da Silva EM; Segura SE; Pareja F; Bi R; Selenica P; Kim SH; Ferrando L; Vahdatinia M; Soslow RA; Vidal A; Gatius S; Przybycin CG; Abu-Rustum NR; Matias-Guiu X; Rubin BP; Reis-Filho JS Article d'investigació
Tumors defective in homologous recombination rely on oxidative metabolism: relevance to treatments with PARP inhibitors. 2020 Lahiguera Á; Hyroššová P; Figueras A; Garzón D; Moreno R; Soto-Cerrato V; McNeish I; Serra V; Lazaro C; Barretina P; Brunet J; Menéndez J; Matias-Guiu X; Vidal A; Villanueva A; Taylor-Harding B; Tanak Article d'investigació
The clinical, morphological, and genetic heterogeneity of endometrial stromal sarcoma. 2020 Davidson B; Matias-Guiu X; Lax SF. Article d'investigació
Comprehensive Constitutional Genetic and Epigenetic Characterization of Lynch-Like Individuals. 2020 Dámaso E; González-Acosta M; Vargas-Parra G; Navarro M; Balmaña J; Ramon Y Cajal T; Tuset N; Thompson BA; Marín F; Fernández A; Gómez C; Velasco À; Solanes A; Iglesias S; Urgel G; López C; Del Valle J Article d'investigació
The leading role of pathology in assessing the somatic molecular alterations of cancer: Position Paper of the European Society of Pathology. 2020 Matias-Guiu X; Stanta G; Carneiro F; Ryska A; Hoefler G; Moch H; European Society of Pathology (ESP). Review
Mutational Screening of BRCA1/2 Genes as a Predictive Factor for Therapeutic Response in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer: A Consensus Guide from the Spanish Society of Pathology (SEAP-IAP) and the Spanish S 2020 Palacios-Calvo, J. ; de la Hoya, M. ; Bellosillo Paricio, Beatriz ; de Juan, I. ; Matias-Guiu, Xavier ; Lázaro García, Conxi ; Palanca, S. ; Osorio, A. ; Rojo, Federico ; Rosa-Rosa, J.M. ; Cigudosa, J Review
Tumors of the thyroid gland. Proposal for the management and study of samples from patients with thyroid neoplasms]. 2020 Cameselle-Teijeiro JM; Bella Cueto MR; Eloy C; Abdulkader I; Amendoeira I; Matías-Guiu X; Sobrinho-Simões M. Review
New times, new priorities 2020 Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
ESMO recommendations on predictive biomarker testing for homologous recombination deficiency and PARP inhibitor benefit in ovarian cancer. 2020 Miller RE; Leary A; Scott CL; Serra V; Lord CJ; Bowtell D; Chang DK; Garsed DW; Jonkers J; Ledermann JA; Nik-Zainal S; Ray-Coquard I; Shah SP; Matias-Guiu X; Swisher EM; Yates LR. Article d'investigació
Clinicopathological and molecular characterisation of 'multiple-classifier' endometrial carcinomas. 2020 León-Castillo A; Gilvazquez E; Nout R; Smit VT; McAlpine JN; McConechy M; Kommoss S; Brucker SY; Carlson JW; Epstein E; Rau TT; Soslow RA; Ganesan R; Matias-Guiu X; Oliva E; Harrison BT; Church DN; Gi Article d'investigació
Multi-center real-world comparison of the fully automated Idylla¿ microsatellite instability assay with routine molecular methods and immunohistochemistry on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue of 2020 Velasco A; Tokat F; Bonde J; Trim N; Bauer E; Meeney A; de Leng W; Chong G; Dalstein V; Kis LL; Lorentzen JA; Tomić S; Thwaites K; Putzová M; Birnbaum A; Qazi R; Primmer V; Dockhorn-Dworniczak B; Article d'investigació
The cutoff for estrogen and progesterone receptor expression in endometrial cancer revisited: a European Network for Individualized Treatment of Endometrial Cancer collaboration study. 2020 van Weelden WJ; Reijnen C; Küsters-Vandevelde HVN; Bulten J; Bult P; Leung S; Visser NCM; Santacana M; Bronsert P; Hirschfeld M; Colas E; Gil-Moreno A; Reques A; Mancebo G; Huvila J; Koskas M; Weinber Article d'investigació
Role of POLE and POLD1 in familial cancer. 2020 Mur P; García-Mulero S; Del Valle J; Magraner-Pardo L; Vidal A; Pineda M; Cinnirella G; Martín-Ramos E; Pons T; López-Doriga A; Belhadj S; Feliubadaló L; Munoz-Torres PM; Navarro M; Grau E; Darder E; Article d'investigació
Descriptive study of nevus involution in a series of 74 patients with atypical nevus syndrome under SIAscopy digital follow-up 2020 Moreno S; Maiques O; Gatius S; Veà A; Barrera J; Barcelo C; Santacana M; Soria X; Matias-Guiu X; Martí RM. Article d'investigació
T-Type calcium channels as potential therapeutic targets in vemurafenib-resistant BRAF(V600E) melanoma 2020 Barceló, C.; Sisó, P.; Maiques, O.; García-Mulero, S.; Sanz-Pamplona, R.; Navaridas, R.; Megino, C.; Felip, I.; Urdanibia, I.; Eritja, N.; Soria, X.; Piulats, J.M.; Penin, R.M.; Dolcet, X.; Matías-Gui Article d'investigació
Small-Molecule Inhibitors (SMIs) as an Effective Therapeutic Strategy for Endometrial Cancer 2020 Megino-Luque, C.; Moiola, C.P.; Molins-Escuder, C.; López-Gil, C.; Gil-Moreno, A.; Matias-Guiu, X.; Colas, E.; Eritja N. Article d'investigació
Autophagy in the physiological endometrium and cancer 2020 Devis-Jauregui, L.; Eritja, N.; Davis, M.L.; Matias-Guiu, X.; Llobet-Navàs, D. Article d'investigació
WNT11-FZD7-DAAM1 signalling supports tumour initiating abilities and melanoma amoeboid invasion 2020 Rodriguez-Hernandez, I.; Maiques, O.; Kohlhammer, L.; Cantelli, G.; Perdrix-Rosell, A.; Monger, J.; Fanshawe, B.; Bridgeman, V.L.; Karagiannis, S.N.; Penin, R.M.; Marcolval, J.; Marti, R.M.; Matias-Gu Article d'investigació
An olaparib window-of-opportunity trial in patients with early-stage endometrial carcinoma: POLEN study 2020 Romero, Ignacio; Rubio, M. Jesús; Medina Pérez, Manuel; Schoenenberger Arnaiz, Juan Antonio Article d'investigació
Poor outcome in hypoxic endometrial carcinoma is related to vascular density. 2019 Reijnen C; van Weelden WJ; Arts MSJP; Peters JP; Rijken PF; van de Vijver K; Santacana M; Bronsert P; Bulten J; Hirschfeld M; Colas E; Gil-Moreno A; Reques A; Mancebo G; Krakstad C; Trovik J; Haldorse Article d'investigació
Proteomic Characterization of Epithelial-Like Extracellular Vesicles in Advanced Endometrial Cancer. 2019 Mariscal J; Fernandez-Puente P; Calamia V; Abalo A; Santacana M; Matias-Guiu X; Lopez-Lopez R; Gil-Moreno A; Alonso-Alconada L; Abal M. Article d'investigació
CTCs-derived xenograft development in a triple negative breast cancer case. 2019 Pereira-Veiga T; Abreu M; Robledo D; Matias-Guiu X; Santacana M; Sánchez L; Cueva J; Palacios P; Abdulkader I; López-López R; Muinelo-Romay L; Costa C. Article d'investigació
Guidelines to Aid in the Distinction of Endometrial and Endocervical Carcinomas, and the Distinction of Independent Primary Carcinomas of the Endometrium and Adnexa From Metastatic Spread Between Thes 2019 Stewart CJR; Crum CP; McCluggage WG; Park KJ; Rutgers JK; Oliva E; Malpica A; Parkash V; Matias-Guiu X; Ronnett BM. Review
Digital quantification of KI-67 in breast cancer. 2019 Del Rosario Taco Sanchez M; Soler-Monsó T; Petit A; Azcarate J; Lasheras A; Artal C; Gil M; Falo C; Pla MJ; Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
Ovarian neuroendocrine carcinoma of metastatic origin: clues for diagnosis. 2019 Karpathiou G; Matias-Guiu X; Mobarki M; Vermesch C; Stachowicz ML; Chauleur C; Peoc'h M. Article d'investigació
Tumor suppressive function of E2F-1 on PTEN-induced serrated colorectal carcinogenesis. 2019 Dosil, M.A.; Navaridas, R.; Mirantes, C.; Tarragona, J.; Eritja, N.; Felip, I.; Urdanibia, I.; Megino, C.; Domingo, M.; Santacana, M.; Gatius, S; Piñol, C.; Barceló, C.; Maiques, O.; Macià, A.; Velasc Article d'investigació
Regional Activation of Myosin II in Cancer Cells Drives Tumor Progression via a Secretory Cross-Talk with the Immune Microenvironment 2019 Georgouli, M; Herraiz, C; Crosas-Molist, E; Fanshawe, B; Maiques, O; Perdrix, A; Pandya, P; Rodriguez-Hernandez, I; Ilieva, KM; Cantelli, G; Karagiannis, P; Mele, S; Lam, H; Josephs, DH; Matias-Guiu, Article d'investigació
EV-associated miRNAs from peritoneal lavage as potential diagnostic biomarkers in colorectal cancer 2019 Roman-Canal B; Tarragona J; Moiola CP; Gatius S; Bonnin S; Ruiz-Miró M; Sierra JE; Rufas M; González E; Porcel JM; Gil-Moreno A; Falcón-Pérez JM; Ponomarenko J; Matias-Guiu X; Colas E. Article d'investigació
Magnetic detection of sentinel lymph node in papillary thyroid carcinoma: The MAGIC-PAT study results. 2019 Baena Fustegueras JA; González FH; Calderó SG; de la Fuente Juárez MC; López SR; Riu FR; Petit NM; Álvarez PM; Torelló AL; Matias-Guiu X; Olsina Kissler JJ. Article d'investigació
Therapeutic potential of the new TRIB3-mediated cell autophagy anticancer drug ABTL0812 in endometrial cancer. 2019 Felip I; Moiola CP; Megino-Luque C; Lopez-Gil C; Cabrera S; Solé-Sánchez S; Muñoz-Guardiola P; Megias-Roda E;Pérez-Montoyo H;Alfon J;Yeste-Velasco M; Santacana M; Dolcet X; Reques A; Oaknin A; Rodrígu Article d'investigació
The ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase-2 (NTPDase2) in human endometrium: a novel marker of basal stroma and mesenchymal stem cells. 2019 Trapero C; Vidal A; Rodríguez-Martínez A; Sévigny J; Ponce J; Coroleu B; Matias-Guiu X; Martín-Satué M. Article d'investigació
Metàstasis de melanoma maligne en nòduls pulmonar múltiples. 2019 J Tarragona; J Pallarés; P Buetas; A Subirats; FX Matias-Guiu Article en revista divulgativa
Targeted sequencing with a customized panel to assess histological typing in endometrial carcinoma. 2019 Cuevas D; Valls J; Gatius S: Roman-Canal B; Estaran E; Dorca E; Santacana M; Vaquero M; Eritja N; Velasco A; Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
Issues in the Differential Diagnosis of Uterine Low-grade Endometrioid Carcinoma, Including Mixed Endometrial Carcinomas: Recommendations from the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists. 2019 Rabban JT; Gilks CB; Malpica A; Matias-Guiu X; Mittal K; Mutter GL; Oliva E; Parkash V; Ronnett BM; Staats P; Stewart CJR; McCluggage WG. Article d'investigació
Impaired Expression of Ectonucleotidases in Ectopic and Eutopic Endometrial Tissue Is in Favor of ATP Accumulation in the Tissue Microenvironment in Endometriosis. 2019 Trapero C; Vidal A; Fernández-Montolí ME; Coroleu B; Tresserra F; Barri P; Gómez de Aranda I; Sévigny J; Ponce J; Matias-Guiu X; Martín-Satué M. Article d'investigació
Addition of IMP3 to L1CAM for discrimination between low- and high-grade endometrial carcinomas: a European Network for Individualised Treatment of Endometrial Cancer collaboration study. 2019 Visser NCM; van der Putten LJM; van Egerschot A; Van de Vijver KK; Santacana M; Bronsert P; Hirschfeld M; Colas E; Gil-Moreno A; Garcia A; Mancebo G; Alameda F; Krakstad C; Tangen IL; Huvila J; Schrau Article d'investigació
High-grade Endometrial Carcinomas: Morphologic and Immunohistochemical Features, Diagnostic Challenges and Recommendations. 2019 Murali R; Davidson B; Fadare O; Carlson JA; Crum CP; Gilks CB; Irving JA; Malpica A; Matias-Guiu X; McCluggage WG; Mittal K; Oliva E; Parkash V; Rutgers JKL; Staats PN; Stewart CJR; Tornos C; Soslow R Review
Endometrial Carcinoma Diagnosis: Use of FIGO Grading and Genomic Subcategories in Clinical Practice: Recommendations of the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists. 2019 Soslow RA; Tornos C; Park KJ; Malpica A; Matias-Guiu X; Oliva E; Parkash V; Carlson J; McCluggage WG; Gilks CB. Review
Pathologic Prognostic Factors in Endometrial Carcinoma (Other Than Tumor Type and Grade). 2019 Singh N; Hirschowitz L; Zaino R; Alvarado-Cabrero I; Duggan MA; Ali-Fehmi R; Euscher E; Hecht JL; Horn LC; Ioffe O; Matias-Guiu X; McCluggage WG; Mikami Y; Ordi J; Parkash V; Quddus MR; Quick CM; Stae Article d'investigació
Clinical challenges and implications of intratumor heterogeneity 2019 Palacios J; Matías-Guiu X; Rodríguez-Peralto JL; de Álava E; López JI. Review
New perspectives on screening and early detection of endometrial cancer. 2019 Costas L; Frias-Gomez J; Guardiola M; Benavente Y; Pineda M; Pavón MÁ; Martínez JM; Climent M; Barahona M; Canet J; Paytubi S; Salinas M; Palomero L; Bianchi I; Reventós J; Capellà G; Diaz M; Vidal A; Review
Current Practices in the Processing, Diagnosis, and Reporting of Endometrial Carcinoma: Results of a Web-based Survey by the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists (ISGyP). 2019 Parkash V; Matias-Guiu X; Oliva E; Malpica A; McCluggage WG. Article d'investigació
2018 Consensus statement by the Spanish Society of Pathology and the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology on the diagnosis and treatment of cancer of unknown primary 2019 Matías-Guiu X; Fusté V; Iglesias L; Balañá C; Concha Á; de la Cruz-Merino L; Nieto B; Pané M; Sanz J; Losa F. Review
The International Society of Gynecological Pathologists (ISGyP) Endometrial Carcinoma Project. 2019 McCluggage WG; Malpica A; Matias-Guiu X; Oliva E; Parkash V. Article d'investigació
Early evolutionary divergence between papillary and anaplastic thyroid cancers. 2019 Capdevila J; Mayor R; Mancuso FM; Iglesias C; Caratú G; Matos I; Zafón C; Hernando J; Petit A; Nuciforo P; Cameselle-Teijeiro JM; Álvarez CV; Recio JA; Tabernero J; Matias-Guiu X; Vivancos A; Seoane J Article d'investigació
Defining a mutational signature for endometrial cancer screening and early detection. 2019 Costas L; Palomero L; Benavente Y; Guardiola M; Frias-Gomez J; Pavón MÁ; Climent M; Martinez JM; Barahona M; Salinas M; Pineda M; Bianchi I; Reventós J; Capellà G; Diaz M; Vidal A; Piulats JM; Ponce J Article d'investigació
MicroRNA-654-5p suppresses ovarian cancer development impacting on MYC, WNT and AKT pathways. 2019 Majem B; Parrilla A; Jiménez C; Suárez-Cabrera L; Barber M; Marín A; Castellví J; Tamayo G; Moreno-Bueno G; Ponce J; Matias-Guiu X; Alameda F; Romero I; Sánchez JL; Pérez-Benavente A; Moran S; Estelle Article d'investigació
EV-associated miRNAs from pleural lavage as potential diagnostic biomarkers in lung cancer. 2019 Roman-Canal B; Moiola CP; Gatius S; Bonnin S; Ruiz-Miró M; González E; Ojanguren A; Recuero JL; Gil-Moreno A; Falcón-Pérez JM; Ponomarenko J; Porcel JM; Matias-Guiu X; Colas E. Article d'investigació
Endometrial Carcinoma, Grossing and Processing Issues: Recommendations of the International Society of Gynecologic Pathologists. 2019 Malpica A; Euscher ED; Hecht JL; Ali-Fehmi R; Quick CM; Singh N; Horn LC; Alvarado-Cabrero I; Matias-Guiu X; Hirschowitz L; Duggan M; Ordi J; Parkash V; Mikami Y; Ruhul Quddus M; Zaino R; Staebler A; Article d'investigació
Novel POLE pathogenic germline variant in a family with multiple primary tumors results in distinct mutational signatures. 2019 Ester Castellsagué, Rui Li, Rosa Aligue, Sara González, Judit Sanz, Edgar Martin, Àngela Velasco, Gabriel Capellá, Colin J. R. Stewart, August Vidal, Jacek Majewski, Barbara Rivera, Paz Polak, Xavier Article d'investigació
EV-Associated miRNAs from Peritoneal Lavage are a Source of Biomarkers in Endometrial Cancer. 2019 Roman-Canal B; Moiola CP; Gatius S; Bonnin S; Ruiz-Miró M; González E; González-Tallada X; Llordella I; Hernández I; Porcel JM; Gil-Moreno A; Falcón-Pérez JM; Ponomarenko J; Matias-Guiu X; Colas E. Article d'investigació
Targeted sequencing with a customized panel to assess histological typing in endometrial carcinoma 2019 Cuevas D; Valls J; Gatius S; Roman-Canal B; Estaran E; Dorca E; Santacana M; Vaquero M; Eritja N; Velasco A; Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
International Society of Gynecological Pathologists (ISGyP) Endometrial Cancer Project: Guidelines From the Special Techniques and Ancillary Studies Group. 2019 Cho KR; Cooper K; Croce S; Djordevic B; Herrington S; Howitt B; Hui P; Ip P; Koebel M; Lax S; Quade BJ; Shaw P; Vidal A; Yemelyanova A; Clarke B; Hedrick Ellenson L; Longacre TA; Shih IM; McCluggage W Article d'investigació
Intratumor Adoptive Transfer of IL-12 mRNA Transiently Engineered Antitumor CD8+ T Cells. 2019 Etxeberria I; Bolaños E; Quetglas JI; Gros A; Villanueva A; Palomero J; Sánchez-Paulete AR; Piulats JM; Matias-Guiu X; Olivera I; Ochoa MC; Labiano S; Garasa S; Rodriguez I; Vidal A; Mancheño U; Hervá Article d'investigació
2018 consensus statement by the Spanish Society of Pathology and the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology on the diagnosis and treatment of cancer of unknown primary. 2018 Losa F; Iglesias L; Pané M; Sanz J; Nieto B; Fusté V; de la Cruz-Merino L; Concha Á; Balañá C; Matías-Guiu X. Review
Tumor Heterogeneity in Endometrial Carcinoma: Practical Consequences. 2018 Gatius S; Cuevas D; Fernández C; Roman-Canal B; Adamoli V; Piulats JM; Eritja N; Martin-Satue M; Moreno-Bueno G; Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
Advances in endometrial cancer protein biomarkers for use in the clinic. 2018 Martinez-Garcia E; Lopez-Gil C; Campoy I; Vallve J; Coll E; Cabrera S; Ramon Y Cajal S; Matias-Guiu X; Van Oostrum J; Reventos J; Gil-Moreno A; Colas E. Review
ALK1 Loss Results in Vascular Hyperplasia in Mice and Humans Through PI3K Activation. 2018 Alsina-Sanchís E; García-Ibáñez Y; Figueiredo AM; Riera-Domingo C; Figueras A; Matias-Guiu X; Casanovas O; Botella LM; Pujana MA; Riera-Mestre A; Graupera M; Viñals F. Article d'investigació
Multifocal granular cell tumour of the biliary tree. 2018 Vilardell F; Pardina M; Olsina JJ; Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
High-carotenoid maize: development of plant biotechnology prototypes for human and animal health and nutrition 2018 Zhu, C.; Farre, G.; Zanga, D.; Lloveras, J.; Michelena, A.; Ferrio, J.P.; Voltas, J.; Slafer, G.A.; Savin, R.; Albajes, R.; Eizaguirre, M.; Lopez, C.; Cantero Martínez, C.; Díaz Gómez, J.; Nogareda, C Review
Endometriosis-associated ovarian neoplasia. 2018 Matias-Guiu X; Stewart CJR. Review
Integrated genome analysis of uterine leiomyosarcoma to identify novel driver genes and targetable pathways. 2018 Cuppens T; Moisse M; Depreeuw J; Annibali D; Colas E; Gil-Moreno A; Huvila J; Carpén O; Zikán M; Matias-Guiu X; Moerman P; Croce S; Lambrechts D; Amant F. Article d'investigació
Correction to: SEOM clinical guidelines for endometrial cancer (2017). 2018 Santaballa A; Matías-Guiu X; Redondo A; Carballo N; Gil M; Gómez C; Gorostidi M; Gutierrez M; Gónzalez-Martín A. Article d'investigació
A Role for CXCR4 in Peritoneal and Hematogenous Ovarian Cancer Dissemination. 2018 Figueras A; Alsina-Sanchís E; Lahiguera Á; Abreu M; Muinelo-Romay L; Moreno-Bueno G; Casanovas O; Graupera M; Matias-Guiu X; Vidal A; Villanueva A; Viñals F. Article d'investigació
Early evolutionary divergence between papillary and anaplastic thyroid cancers. 2018 Capdevila J; Mayor R; Mancuso FM; Iglesias C; Caratù G; Matos I; Zafón C; Hernando J; Petit A; Nuciforo P; Cameselle-Teijeiro JM; Álvarez C; Recio JA; Tabernero J; Matias-Guiu X; Vivancos A; Seoane J. Article d'investigació
T-type calcium channel drive migration/invasion in BRAFV600E melanoma cells through Snail1 2018 Maiques, O.; Barceló, C.; Panosa, A.; Pijuan, J.; Orgaz, J.L.; Rodriguez Hernandez, I.; Matas, C.; Tell Marti, G.; Vilella, R.; Fabra, A.; Puig, S.; Sanz Moreno, V.; Matias Guiu, X.; Canti, C.; Herrer Article d'investigació
Molecular Classification of Grade 3 Endometrioid Endometrial Cancers Identifies Distinct Prognostic Subgroups. 2018 Bosse T; Nout RA; McAlpine JN; McConechy MK; Britton H; Hussein YR; Gonzalez C; Ganesan R; Steele JC; Harrison BT; Oliva E; Vidal A; Matias-Guiu X; Abu-Rustum NR; Levine DA; Gilks CB; Soslow RA. Article d'investigació
Can the classification of low-grade endometrial stromal tumors still be improved? 2018 Matias-Guiu X; Davidson B; Lax SF. Article d'investigació
[Recommendations for biomarker testing in epithelial ovarian cancer. A national consensus statement by the Spanish Society of Pathology and the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology]. 2018 Oaknin A; Guarch R; Barretina P; Hardisson D; González-Martín A; Matías-Guiu X; Pérez-Fidalgo A; Vieites B; Romero I; Palacios J. Article d'investigació
Analysis of the ectoenzymes ADA, ALP, ENPP1, and ENPP3, in the contents of ovarian endometriomas as candidate biomarkers of endometriosis. 2018 Trapero C; Jover L; Fernández-Montolí ME; García-Tejedor A; Vidal A; Gómez de Aranda I; Ponce J; Matias-Guiu X; Martín-Satué M. Article d'investigació
Patient-Derived Xenograft Models for Endometrial Cancer Research. 2018 Moiola CP; Lopez-Gil C; Cabrera S; Garcia A; Van Nyen T; Annibali D; Fonnes T; Vidal A; Villanueva A; Matias-Guiu X; Krakstad C; Amant F; Gil-Moreno A; Colas E. Review
The evolution of endometrial carcinoma classification through application of immunohistochemistry and molecular diagnostics: past, present and future. 2017 Goebel EA; Vidal A; Matias-Guiu X; Blake Gilks C. Review
Endometrial Carcinoma: Specific Targeted Pathways. 2017 Eritja, N.; Yeramian, A.; Chen, B.J.; Llobet Navas, D.; Ortega, E.; Colas, E.; Abal, M.; Dolcet, X.; Reventos, J.; Matias Guiu, X. Review
SEOM clinical guidelines for endometrial cancer (2017). 2017 Santaballa A; Matías-Guiu X; Redondo A; Carballo N; Gil M; Gómez C; Gorostidi M; Gutierrez M; Gónzalez-Martín A. Article d'investigació
Immunohistochemical analysis of T-type calcium channels in acquired melanocytic nevi and melanoma 2017 Maiques, O.; Macià, A.; Moreno, S.; Barceló, C.; Santacana, M.; Veà, A.; Herreros, J.; Gatius, S.; Ortega, E.; Valls, J.; Chen, BJ.; Llovet-Navas, D.; Matias-Guiu, X.; Cantí, C.; Martí, RM. Article d'investigació
APLP2, RRM2 and PRC1: new putative markers for the differential diagnosis of thyroid follicular lesions 2017 Castelblanco E, Zafón C, Maravall J, Gallel P, Martinez M, Capel I, Bella-Cueto MR, Halperin I, Temprana-Salvador J, Iglesias C, Puig-Domingo M, Robledo M, Matias-Guiu X, Mauricio D. Article d'investigació
Autophagy orchestrates adaptive responses to targeted therapy in endometrial cancer 2017 Eritja, N.; Chen, B.J.; Rodríguez Barrueco, R.; Santacana, M.; Gatius, S.; Vidal, A.; Martí, M.D.; Ponce, J.; Bergadà, L.; Yeramian, A.; Encinas, M.; Ribera, J.; Reventós, J.; Boyd, J.; Villanueva, A. Article d'investigació
A Smad3-PTEN regulatory loop controls proliferation and apoptotic responses to TGF-β in mouse endometrium. 2017 Eritja, N.; Felip, I.; Dosil, M.A.; Vigezzi, L.; Mirantes, C.; Yeramian, A.; Navaridas, R.; Santacana, M.; Llobet Navas, D.; Yoshimura, A.; Nomura, M.; Encinas, M.; Matias Guiu, X.; Dolcet, X. Article d'investigació
Palbociclib has antitumour effects on Pten-deficient endometrial neoplasias. 2017 Dosil, M.A.; Mirantes, C.; Eritja, N.; Felip, I.; Navaridas, R.; Gatius, S.; Santacana, M.; Colàs, E.; Moiola, C.; Schoenenberger, J.A.; Encinas, M.; Garí, E.; Matias Guiu, X.; Dolcet, X. Article d'investigació
Tumour-microenvironmental blood flow determines a metabolomic signature identifying lysophospholipids and resolvin D as biomarkers in endometrial cancer patients. 2017 Eritja N; Jove M; Eldevik Fasmer K; Gatius S; Portero-Otin M; Trovik J; Krakstad C; Sol J; Pamplona R; Haldorsen IS; Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
Concordance study between one-step nucleic acid amplification and morphologic techniques to detect lymph node metastasis in papillary carcinoma of the thyroid 2016 Del Carmen S, Gatius S, Franch-Arcas G, Baena JA, Gonzalez O, Zafon C, Cuevas D, Valls J, Pérez A, Martinez M, Ros S, Macías CG, Iglesias C, Matías-Guiu X, de Álava E. Article d'investigació
2-phenylethynesulfonamide (PFT-μ) enhances the anticancer effect of the novel hsp90 inhibitor NVP-AUY922 in melanoma, by reducing GSH levels 2016 Yeramian, A.; Vea, A.; Benítez, S.; Ribera, J.; Domingo, M.; Santacana, M.; Martinez, M.; Maiques, O.; Valls, J.; Dolcet, X.; Vilella, R.; Cabiscol, E.; Matias Guiu, X.; Marti, R.M. Article d'investigació
Oral intake of genetically engineered high-carotenoid corn ameliorates hepatomegaly and hepatic steatosis in PTEN haploinsufficient mice. 2016 Eritja N; Arjo G; Santacana M; Gatius S; Arcal L; Serrano JC; Pamplona R; Dolcet X; Piñol C; Christou P; Matias-Guiu X; Portero-Otin M. Article d'investigació
Effects of the multikinase inhibitors Sorafenib and Regorafenib in PTEN deficient neoplasias 2016 Mirantes C, Dosil MA, Eritja N, Felip I, Gatius S, Santacana M, Matias-Guiu X, Dolcet X. Article d'investigació
Molecularly determined total tumour load in lymph nodes of stage I-II colon cancer patients correlates with high-risk factors. A multicentre prospective study. 2016 Aldecoa, I.; Atares, B.; Tarragona, J.; Bernet, L.; Sardon, J.D.; Pereda, T.; Villar, C.; Mendez, M.C.; Gonzalez Obeso, E.; Elorriaga, K.; Alonso, G.L.; Zamora, J.; Planell, N.; Palacios, J.; Castells Article d'investigació
Characterization of cytoplasmic Cyclin D1 as a marker of invasiveness in cancer 2016 Fusté, NP.; Castelblanco,E.; Felip, I.; Santacana, M.; Fernández-Hernández, R.; Gatius, S.; Pedraza, N.; Pallarés, J.; Cemeli, T.; Valls, J.; Tarres, M.; Ferrezuelo, F.; Dolcet, X.; Matias-Guiu, X.; G Article d'investigació
Deletion of Pten in CD45-expressing cells leads to development of T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma, but not myeloid malignancies. 2016 Mirantes C, Dosil MA, Hills D, Yang J, Eritja N, Santacana M, Gatius S, Vilardell F, Medvinsky A, Matias-Guiu X, Dolcet X. Article d'investigació
Biological Effects of Temsirolimus on the mTOR Pathway in Endometrial Carcinoma: A Pharmacodynamic Phase II Study 2016 Santacana, M.; Coronado, P.; Matias-Guiu, X.; Romero, I.; Casado, A.; Gil-Moreno, A.; Dosil, MA.; Mota, A.; Moreno-Bueno, G.; Dolcet, X.; Llombart-Cussac, A.; Poveda, A. Article d'investigació
Bioluminescence Imaging to Monitor the Effects of the Hsp90 Inhibitor NVP-AUY922 on NF-κB Pathway in Endometrial Cancer 2016 Yeramian, A.; García, V.; Bergadà, L.; Domingo, M.; Santacana, M.; Valls, J.; Martinez Alonso, M.; Carceller, J.A.; Cussac, A.L.; Dolcet, X.; Matias Guiu, X. Article d'investigació
Multilayer OMIC data in medullary thyroid carcinoma identifies the STAT3 pathway as a potential therapeutic target in RETM918T tumors 2016 Mancikova, V.; Montero Conde, C.; Perales Paton, J.; Fernandez, A.F.; Santacana, M.; Jodkowska, K.; Inglada Pérez, L.; Castelblanco, E.; Borrego, S.; Encinas, M.; Matias Guiu, X.; Fraga, M.F.; Robledo Article d'investigació
Hypoxia-independent gene expression signature associated with radiosensitisation of prostate cancer cell lines by histone deacetylase inhibition 2016 Jonsson, M.; Ragnum, HB.; Julin, C.H.; Yeramian, A.; Clancy, T.; Frikstad, K.M.; Seierstad, T.; Stokke, T.; Matias Guiu, X.; Ree, A.H.; Flatmark, K.; Lyng, H. Article d'investigació
The role of morbid obesity in the premotion of metabolic disruptions and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis by Helicobacter Pylori 2016 Lecube A, Valladares S, Lopez C, Gutierrez L, Ciudin A, Fort J, Reñé JM, Matias-Guiu X, de Torres I, Bueno M, Pallarés J, Baena-Fustegueras JA. Article d'investigació
Metabotyping human endometrioid endometrial adenocarcinoma reveals an implication of endocannabinoid metabolism 2016 Jove, M.; Gatius, S.; Yeramian, A.; Portero Otin, M.; Eritja, N.; Santacana, M.; Ruiz, M.; Pamplona, R.; Matias Guiu, X. Article d'investigació
Sprouty1 haploinsufficiency accelerates pheochromocytoma development in Pten+/- mice 2016 Vaquero, M.; Macià, A.; Anerillas, C.; Velasco, A.; Matias Guiu, X.; Ribera, J.; Encinas, M. Article d'investigació
Economic Analysis Of Epicup, an epigenetic test to predict the tissue of origin in cancer of unknown primary site, from the spanish nhs perspective 2016 Gracia A, Balañá C, Kaskens L, Chiavenna S, Matias-Guiu X, Rubio-Rodríguez D, Rubio-Terrés C, Iglesias L, Esteller M. Article d'investigació
Quantification of Unmethylated Alu (QUAlu): a tool to assess global hypomethylation in routine clinical samples 2016 Buj R, Mallona I, Díez-Villanueva A, Barrera V, Mauricio D, Puig-Domingo M, Reverter JL, Matias-Guiu X, Azuara D, Ramírez JL, Alonso S, Rosell R, Capellà G, Perucho M, Robledo M, Peinado MA, Jordà M. Article en premsa
Massively Parallel Sequencing-Based Clonality Analysis of Synchronous Endometrioid Endometrial and Ovarian Carcinomas 2016 Schultheis AM, Ng CK, De Filippo MR, Piscuoglio S, Macedo GS, Gatius S, Perez Mies B, Soslow RA, Lim RS, Viale A, Huberman KH, Palacios JC, Reis-Filho JS, Matias-Guiu X, Weigelt B. Article d'investigació
Practical issues in the diagnosis of serous carcinoma of the endometrium 2016 Gatius S, Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
An International Ki67 Reproducibility Study in Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma 2016 Papathomas TG, Pucci E, Giordano TJ, Lu H, Duregon E, Volante M, Papotti M, Lloyd RV, Tischler AS, van Nederveen FH, Nose V, Erickson L, Mete O, Asa SL, Turchini J, Gill AJ, Matias-Guiu X, Skordilis K Article d'investigació
Modeling glands with PTEN deficient cells and microscopic methods for assessing PTEN loss: endometrial cancer as a model. 2015 Eritja N, Santacana M, Maiques O, Gonzalez-Tallada X, Dolcet X, Matias-Guiu X: Article d'investigació
MicroRNA deep-sequencing reveals master regulators of follicular and papillary thyroid tumors 2015 Mancikova V, Castelblanco E, Piñeiro-Yañez E, Perales-Patón J, de Cubas A, Inglada-Pérez L, Matias-Guiu X, Capel I, Bella M, Lerma E, Riesco-Eizaguirre G, Santisteban P, Maravall FJ, Mauricio D, Al-Sh Article d'investigació
TGF-beta-induced transcription sustains amoeboid melanoma migration and dissemination 2015 Cantelli G, Orgaz JL, Rodriguez-Hernandez I, Karagiannis P, Maiques O, Matias-Guiu X, Nestle F, Marti RM , Karagiannis SN, Sanz-Moreno V. Article d'investigació
Mutation profile and clinical outcome of mixed endometrioid-serous endometrial carcinomas is different from pure endometrioid or serous carcinomas 2015 Coenegrachts L, Garcia-Dios DA, Depreeuw J.,  Santacana M, Gatius S, Zikan M., Moerman P, Verbist L, Lambrechts D, Matias-Guiu X., Amant F. Article d'investigació
NID1 and NUPR1 function downstream the ETV5 transcription factor to promote endometrial tumor progression and dissemination. 2015 Piedrola N, Llaurado M, Devis L, Campoy I, Martinez E, Colas  E, Garcia M, Muinelo-Romay L, Alonso-Alconada L,  Abal M, Alameda F, Mancebo G, Carreras R, Castellvi J, Cabrera S, Gil-Moreno A, Matias-G Article d'investigació
Data set for reporting of ovary, fallopian tube and primary peritoneal carcinoma: recommendations from the International Collaboration on Cancer Reporting (ICCR). 2015 McCluggage WG, Clarke BA, Davidson B, Gilks CB, Hollema H, Ledermann J, Matias-Guiu X, Mikami Y, Stewart CJ,  Vang R, Hirschowitz L Article d'investigació
Recommendations for somatic and germline genetic testing of single pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma based on findings from a series of 329 patients 2015 Curras-Treixes M, Inglada-Perez L, Mancikova V, Montero-Conde C, Leton R, Comino-Mendez I, Apellaniz-Ruiz M, Sanchez-Barroso L, Aguirre Sanchez-Covisa M, Alcazar V, Aller J, Alvarez-Escola C, Andia-Me Article d'investigació
A role for the transducer of the Hippo pathway, TAZ, in the development of aggressive types of endometrial cancer 2015 Romero-Pérez L., Garcia-Sanz P., Mota A., Leskëla S., Hergueta-Redondo M., Díaz-Martín J., López-García MA., Castilla MA., Martínez A., Soslow RA., Matias-Guiu X., Moreno-Bueno G., Palacios J. Article d'investigació
Porcel JM; Palma R; Bielsa S; Esquerda A; Gatius S; Matias-Guiu X; Salud A 2015 TTF-1 and napsin A on cell blocks and supernatants of pleural fluids for labeling malignant effusions Article d'investigació
Nidogen 1 and Nuclear Protein 1: novel targets of ETV5 transcription factor involved in endometrial cancer invasion 2015 Pedrola N, Devis L, Llauradó M, Campoy I, Martinez-Garcia E, Garcia M, Muinelo-Romay L, Alonso-Alconada L, Abal M, Alameda F, Mancebo G, Carreras R, Castellví J, Cabrera S, Gil-Moreno A, Matias-Guiu X Article d'investigació
Acute kidney failure secondary to very severe hypercalcaemia from primary hyperparathyroidism 2015 Chacón A, Vilar A, Arroyo D, Sarró F, Craver L, Ros S, López c, Castillo A, Matias-Guiu X, Fernández-Giráldez E. Article d'investigació
Evaluation of conjunctival epithelium of filtering blebs by impression cytology 2015 Muniesa MJ, González S, Buetas P, López S, Sánchez C, Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
Annexin-A2 as predictor biomarker of recurrent disease in endometrial cancer 2015 Alonso-Alconada L, Santacana M, García-Sanz P, Muinelo-Romay L, Colas E, Mirantes C, Monge M, Oliva E, Soslow R, Palacios J, Prat J, Krakstad C, Salvesen H, Gil-Moreno A, Lopez-Lopez R, Dolcet X, More Article d'investigació
SDHB/SDHA Immunohistochemistry in Pheochromocytomas and Paragangliomas: A Multicenter Interobserver Variation Analysis using Virtual Microscopy. A Multinational Study of the European Network for the S 2015 Papathomas TG, Oudijk L, Persu A, Gill AJ, van Nederveen F, Tischler AS, Tissier F, Volante M , Matias-Guiu X, Smid M, Favier J, Rapizzi E, Libe R, Currás-Freixes M, Aydin S, Huynh T, van Berkel A, Ca Article d'investigació
Who classification of tumour of the female reproductive organs 2014 Xavier Matias Guiu Article en llibre
Combinatorial Therapy Using Dovitinib and ICI182.780 (Fulvestrant) Blocks Tumoral Activity of Endometrial Cancer Cells 2014 Eritja N, Domingo M, Dosil MA, Mirantes C, Santacana M, Valls J, Llombart-Cussac A, Matias-Guiu X, Dolcet X. Article d'investigació
Optimal protocol for PTEN immunostaining; role of analytical and preanalytical variables in PTEN staining in normal and neoplastic endometrial, breast, and prostatic tissues 2014 Maiques O, Santacana M, Valls J, Pallares J, Mirantes C, Gatius S, García Dios DA, Amant F, Pedersen HC, Dolcet X, Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
Antioxidants impair anti-tumoral effects of vorinostat, but not anti-neoplastic effects of vorinostat and caspase-8 downregulation 2014 Bergadà L; Yeramian A; Sorolla A; Matias-Guiu X; Dolcet X. Article d'investigació
Sprouty1 induces a senescence-associated secretory phenotype by regulating NFkB activity: implications for tumorigenesis 2014 Macià, A.; Vaquero, M.; Gou Fàbregas, M.; Castelblanco, E.; Valdivielso, J.M.; Anerillas, C.; Mauricio, D.; Matias Guiu, X.; Ribera, J.; Encinas, M. Article d'investigació
FISH analysis of PTEN in endometrial carcinoma. Comparison with SNP arrays and MLPA 2014 Maiques O, Cuevas D, García Dios DA, Coenegrachts L, Santacana M, Velasco A, Romero M, Sónia G, Lambrechts D, Dolcet X, Amant F, Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
Guidelines for biomarker testing in gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms: a national consensus of the Spanish Society of Pathology and the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology 2014 García-Carbonero R, Vilardell F, Jiménez-Fonseca P, González-Campora R, González E, Cuatrecasas M, Capdevila J, Aranda I, Barriuso J, Matías-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
Molecular profiling of circulating tumor cells links plasticity to the metastatic process in endometrial cancer 2014 Alonso-Alconada L,  Muinelo-Romay L, Madissoo Km Diaz-Lopez A, Krakstad  C, Trovik J, Wik E, Hapangama D, Coenegrachts L, Cano A, Gil-Moreno A, Chiva L, Cueva J, Vieito M Ortega E, Mariscal J, Colas   Article d'investigació
ETV5 transcription program links BDNF and promotion of EMT at invasive front of endometrial carcinomas 2014 Alonso-Alconada L, Eritja N, Muinelo-Romay L, Barbazan J, Lopez-Lopez R, Matias-Guiu X, Gil-Moreno A, Dolcet X, Abal M Article d'investigació
A 9-protein biomarker molecular signature for predicting histologic type in endometrial carcinoma by immunohistochemistry 2014 Santacana M, Maiques O, Valls J, Gatius S, Abo I, Lopez-Garcia MA, Mota A, Reventos J, Moreno-Bueno G, Palacios J, Bartosh C, Dolcet X, Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
Stromal signatures in endometrioid endometrial carcinomas 2014 Espinosa I, Catasus L, D' Angelo E, Mozos A, Pedrola N, Bértolo C, Ferrer I, Zannoni GF, West RB, van de Rijn M, Matias-Guiu X, Prat J. Article d'investigació
Medullary thyroid carcinoma: a 25-year perspective. 2014 Matias-Guiu X, De Lellis R. Article d'investigació
Prognostic biomarkers in endometrial and ovarian carcinoma. 2014 Matias-Guiu X, Davidson B. Article d'investigació
DNA methylation profiling of well-differentiated thyroid cancer uncovers markers of recurrence free survival 2014 Mancikova V, Buj R, Castelblanco E, Inglada-Pérez L, Diez A, de Cubas AA, Curras-Freixes M, Maravall FX, Mauricio D, Matias-Guiu X, Puig-Domingo M, Capel I, Bella MR, Lerma E, Castella E, Reverter JL, Article d'investigació
MEAF6/PHF1 is a recurrent gene fusion in endometrial stromal sarcoma 2014 Micci F, Gorunova L, Gatius S, Matias-Guiu X, Davidson B, Heim S, Panagopoulos I. Article d'investigació
MicroRNAs as prognostic markers in ovarian cancer 2014 Llauradó M, Majem B, Altadill T, Lanau L, Castellví J, Sánchez-Iglesias JL, Cabrera S, De la Torre J, Díaz-Feijoo B, Pérez-Benavente A, Colás E, Olivan M, Doll A, Alameda F, Matias-Guiu X, Moreno-Buen Article d'investigació
Validation of DNA methylation profiling in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded samples using the Infinium HumanMethylation450 Microarray 2014 Moran S, Vizoso M, Martinez-Cardús A, Gomez A, Matías-Guiu X, Chiavenna SM, Fernandez AG, Esteller M. Article d'investigació
Molecular staging of lymph node-negative colon carcinomas by one-step nucleic acid amplification (OSNA) results in upstaging of a quarter of patients in a prospective, European, multicentre study. 2014 Croner, R.S.; Geppert, C.I.; Bader, F.G.; Nitsche, U.; Späth, C.; Rosenberg, R.; Zettl, A.; Matias Guiu, X.; Tarragona, J.; Güller, U.; Stürzl, M.; Zuber, M. Article d'investigació
Role of local bioactivation of vitamin D by CYP27A1 and CYP2R1 in the control of cell growth in normal endometrium and endometrial carcinoma 2014 Bergadà L, Pallares J, Vittoria Arcidiacono M, Cardus A, Santacana M, Valls J, Cao G, Fernàndez E, Dolcet X, Dusso AS, Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
Tenosynovitis with rice-body formation presenting as a cutaneous abscess 2014 Moreno S, Forcada P, Soria X, Altemir V, Gatius S, Gil M, Matías-Guiu X, Casanova JM, Martí RM Article d'investigació
Utility of siascopy in the diagnosis of melanocytic lesions [Utilidad de la siascopia en el diagnóstico de lesiones melanocíticas] 2014 Vea A, Barrera J, Velasco A, Casanova JM, Matias-Guiu X, Martí RM. Review
A unified nomenclature and amino acid numbering for human PTEN 2014 Pulido R, Baker SJ, Barata JT, Carracedo A, Cid VJ, Chin-Sang ID, Davé V, den Hertog J, Devreotes P, Eickholt BJ, Eng C, Furnari FB, Georgescu MM, Gericke A, Hopkins B, Jiang X, Lee SR, Lösche M, Mala Article d'investigació
Prognostic value of c-FLIPL/s, HIF-1α, and NF-κβ in stage II and III rectal cancer 2014 Novell, A.; Martínez Alonso, M.; Mira, M.; Tarragona, J.; Salud, A.; Matias Guiu, X. Article d'investigació
Endometrial Carcinoma. Pathology and molecuar features 2014 Xavier Matias-Guiu Article en llibre
An inducible knock-out mouse to model cell-autonomous role of PTEN in initiating endometrial, prostate and thyroid neoplasias 2013 Mirantes C; Eritja N; Dosil MA; Santacana M; Pallares J; Gatius S; Bergadà L; Maiques O; Matias-Guiu X; Dolcet X Article d'investigació
Molecular Pathology of Endometrial Cancer 2013 Xavier Matias-Guiu and Joan Prat Article en llibre
Long-term estradiol exposure is a direct mitogen for insulin/EGF-primed endometriaT cells and drives PTEN loss-induced hyperplasic growth 2013 Eritja, N.; Mirantes, C.; Llobet, D.; Yeramian, A.; Bergadà, L.; Dosil, M.A.; Domingo, M.; Matias Guiu, X.; Dolcet, X. Article d'investigació
Three-dimensional epithelial cultures: a tool to model cancer development and progression 2013 Eritja N, Dolcet X, Matias-Guiu X. Review
Combination of Vorinostat and caspase-8 inhibition exhibits high anti-tumoral activity on endometrial cancer cells 2013 Bergadà, L.; Sorolla, A.; Yeramian, A.; Eritja, N.; Mirantes, C.; Matias Guiu, X.; Dolcet, X. Article d'investigació
BRCA1 loss activates cathepsin L-mediated degradation of 53BP1 in breast cancer cells 2013 Grotsky DA; Gonzalez-Suarez I; Novell A; Neumann MA; Yaddanapudi SC; Croke M; Martinez-Alonso M; Redwood AB; Ortega-Martinez S; Feng Z; Lerma E; Ramon y Cajal T; Zhang J; Matias-Guiu X; Dusso A; Gonza Article d'investigació
Plurality of opinion, scientific discourse and pseudoscience: an in depth analysis of the Seralini et al. study claiming that Roundup (TM) Ready corn or the herbicide Roundup (TM) cause cancer in rats 2013 Arjó G, Portero M, Piñol C, Viñas J, Matias-Guiu X, Capell T, Bartholomaeus A, Parrott W, Christou P. Article d'investigació
T-type calcium channel blockers inhibit autophagy and promote apoptosis of malignant melanoma cells 2013 Das A, Pushparaj C, Herreros J, Nager M, Vilella R, Portero M, Pamplona R, Matias-Guiu X, Martí RM, Cantí C. Article d'investigació
Differential Gene Expression of Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma Reveals Specific Markers Associated with Genetic Conditions 2013 Maliszewska, A.; Leandro Garcia, L.J.; Castelblanco, E.; Macià, A.; de Cubas, A.; Goméz López, G.; Inglada Pérez, L., Álvarez Escolá, C., De la Vega, L.; Letón, R.; Gómez Graña, Á.; Landa, I.; Cascón, Article d'investigació
Epithelial-to-mesenchytnal transition and stem cells in endometrial cancer 2013 Mirantes C, Espinosa I, Ferrer I, Dolcet X, Prat J, Matias-Guiu X. Review
SIRT1 promotes thyroid carcinogenesis driven by PTEN deficiency 2013 Herranz D, Maraver A, Cañamero M, Gómez-López G, Inglada-Pérez L, Robledo M, Castelblanco E, Matias-Guiu X, Serrano M. Article d'investigació
Immune-dependent and independent antitumor activity of GM-CSF aberrantly expressed by mouse and human colorectal tumors 2013 Urdinguio RG, Fernandez AF, Moncada-Pazos A, Huidobro C, Rodriguez RM, Ferrero C, Martinez-Camblor P, Obaya AJ, Bernal T, Parra-Blanco A, Rodrigo L, Santacana M, Matias-Guiu X, Soldevilla B, Dominguez Article d'investigació
Gene expression microarray-based assay to determine tumor site of origin in a series of metastatic tumors to the ovary and peritoneal carcinomatosis of suspected gynecologic origin 2013 Azueta A, Maiques O, Velasco A, Santacana M, Pallares J, Novell A, Llombart-Cussac A, Gonzalez-Tallada X, Mozos A, Prat J, Pillai R, Mata M, Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
Molecular events in endometrial carcinosarcomas and the role of high mobility group AT-hook 2 in endometrial carcinogenesis. 2013 Romero-Pérez L, Castilla MÁ, López-García MÁ, Díaz-Martín J, Biscuola M, Ramiro-Fuentes S, Oliva E, Matias-Guiu X, Prat J, Cano A, Moreno-Bueno G, Palacios J. Article d'investigació
Molecular pathology of endometrial carcinoma 2013 Matias-Guiu X, Prat J. Article d'investigació
Oncogene alterations in endometrial carcinosarcomas. 2013 Romero-Pérez L, López-García MÁ, Díaz-Martín J, Biscuola M, Castilla MÁ, Tafe LJ, Garg K, Oliva E, Matias-Guiu X, Soslow RA, Palacios J. Article d'investigació
Mismatch repair status and clinical outcome in endometrial cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis 2013 Diaz-Padilla I, Romero N, Amir E, Matias-Guiu X, Vilar E, Muggia F, Garcia-Donas J. Article d'investigació
DNA methylation signatures identify biologically distinct thyroid cancer subtypes 2013 Rodríguez-Rodero S, Fernández AF, Fernández-Morera JL, Castro-Santos P, Bayon GF, Ferrero C, Urdinguio RG, Gonzalez-Marquez R, Suarez C, Fernández-Vega I, Fresno Forcelledo MF, Martínez-Camblor P, Man Article d'investigació
ZEB1 overexpression associated with E-cadherin and microRNA-200 downregulation is characteristic of undifferentiated endometrial carcinoma 2013 Romero-Pérez L, López-García MÁ, Díaz-Martín J, Biscuola M, Castilla MÁ, Tafe LJ, Garg K, Oliva E, Matias-Guiu X, Soslow RA, Palacios J. Article d'investigació
Usefulness of negative and weak-diffuse pattern of SDHB immunostaining in assessment of SDH mutations in paragangliomas and pheochromocytomas. 2013 Castelblanco E, Santacana M, Valls J, de Cubas A, Cascón A, Robledo M, Matias-Guiu X Article d'investigació
Redefining stage I endometrial cancer: incorporating histology, a binary grading system, myometrial invasion, and lymph node assessment. 2013 Barlin JN, Soslow RA, Lutz M, Zhou QC, St Clair CM, Leitao MM Jr, Iasonos A, Hensley ML, Barakat RR, Matias-Guiu X, Abu-Rustum NR. Article d'investigació
CK19 expression should be tested prior to OSNA analysis of sentinel lymph nodes in breast cancer 2013 Vilardell F, Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
Mice fed on a diet enriched with genetically engineered multivitamin corn show no sub-acute toxic effects and no sub-chronic toxicity 2012 Arjó G, Capell T, Matias-Guiu X, Zhu C, Christou P, Piñol C Article d'investigació
ER alpha-mediated repression of pro-inflammatory cytokine expression by glucocorticoids reveals a crucial role for TNF alpha and IL1 alpha in lumen formation and maintenance 2012 Eritja N, Mirantes C, Llobet D, Masip G, Matias-Guiu X, Dolcet X. Article d'investigació
Sprouty1 is a candidate tumor-suppressor gene in medullary thyroid carcinoma. 2012 Macià, A.; Gallel, P.; Vaquero, M.; Gou Fabregas, M.; Santacana, M.; Maliszewska, A.; Robledo, M.; Gardiner, J.R.; Basson, M.A.; Matias Guiu, X.; Encinas, M. Article d'investigació
Molecular bases of endometrial cancer: new roles for new actors in the diagnosis and the therapy of the disease. 2012 Llauradó M, Ruiz A, Majem B, Ertekin T, Colás E, Pedrola N, Devis L, Rigau M, Sequeiros T, Montes M, Garcia M, Cabrera S, Gil-Moreno A, Xercavins J, Castellví J, Garcia A, Ramón y Cajal S, Moreno G, A Article d'investigació
Thyroid paraganglioma. Report of 3 cases and description of an immunohistochemical profile useful in the differential diagnosis with medullary thyroid carcinoma, based on complementary DNA array resul 2012 Castelblanco, Esmeralda; Gallel, Pilar; Ros, Susana; et al Article d'investigació
Inhibition of activated receptor tyrosine kinases by Sunitinib induces growth arrest and sensitizes melanoma cells to Bortezomib by blocking Akt pathway 2012 Yeramian, A.; Sorolla, A.; Dolcet, X.; Velasco, A.; Santacana, M.; Valls, J.; Abal, L.; Moreno, S.; Egido, R.; Casanova, J.M.; Puig, S.; Vilella, R.; Llombart Cussac, A.; Matias Guiu, X.; Marti, R.M. Article d'investigació
Clonality in gynecologic neoplasms: is it time to reevaluate clonality studies in gynecologic neoplasms? Is it possible to confirm multicentricity with clonality studies? 2012 Silva EG, Matias-Guiu X. Review
Blockade of NFκB activity by Sunitinib increases cell death in Bortezomib-treated endometrial carcinoma cells 2012 Sorolla, A.; Yeramian, A.; Valls, J.; Dolcet, X.; Bergadà, L.; Llombart, Cussac, A.; Martí, R.M.; Matias Guiu, X. Article d'investigació
The EMT signaling pathways in endometrial carcinoma 2012 Colas E, Pedrola N, Devis L, Ertekin T, Campoy I, Martínez E, Llauradó M, Rigau M, Olivan M, Garcia M, Cabrera S, Gil-Moreno A, Xercavins J, Castellvi J, Garcia A, Ramon Y Cajal S, Moreno-Bueno G, Dol Article d'investigació
Functional expression of voltage-gated calcium channels in human melanoma 2012 Das A, Pushparaj C, Bahí N, Sorolla A, Herreros J, Pamplona R, Vilella R, Matias-Guiu X, Martí RM, Cantí C. Article d'investigació
Endometrial carcinoma: molecular alterations involved in tumor development and progression. 2012 Yeramian A; Moreno-Bueno G; Dolcet X; Catasus L; Abal M; Colas E; Reventos J; Palacios J; Prat J; Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
Importance of assessing CK19 immunostaining in core biopsies in patients subjected to sentinel node study by OSNA. 2012 Vilardell F, Novell A, Martin J, Santacana M, Velasco A, Díez-Castro MJ, Cuevas D, Panadés MJ, González S, Llombart A, Iglesias E, Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
Immunohistochemical features of post-radiation vaginal recurrences of endometrioid carcinomas of the endometrium: role for proteins involved in resistance to apoptosis and hypoxia. 2012 Santacana, M.; Yeramian, A.; Velasco, A.; Bergada, L.; Gatius, S.; García, V.; Azueta, A.; Palacios, J.; Dolcet, X.; Oliva, E.; Matias Guiu, X. Article d'investigació
Epithelial to mesenchymal transition in early stage endometrioid endometrial carcinoma. 2012 Montserrat N, Mozos A, Llobet D, Dolcet X, Pons C, de Herreros AG, Matias-Guiu X, Prat J Article d'investigació
ETV5 transcription factor is overexpressed in ovarian cancer and regulates cell adhesion in ovarian cancer cells. 2012 Llauradó M, Abal M, Castellví J, Cabrera S, Gil-Moreno A, Pérez-Benavente A, Colás E, Doll A, Dolcet X, Matias-Guiu X, Vazquez-Levin M, Reventós J, Ruiz A. Article d'investigació
Composite papillary intestinal-type adenocarcinoma/poorly differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma of the ampulla of Vater 2011 Vilardell F, Velasco A, Cuevas D, Olsina JJ, Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
Stem cells in human endometrium and endometrial carcinoma 2011 Cervelló I*, Mirantes C*, Santamaria X, Dolcet X, Matias-Guiu X, Simón C. (*co-authors) Review
FGFR2 alterations in endometrial carcinoma. 2011 Gatius S, Velasco A, Azueta A, Santacana M, Pallares J, Valls J, Dolcet X, Prat J, Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
Malaria cerebral fulminante con parada cardiaca extrahospitalaria. 2011 Vilanova Pàmies C; López-Agulló S; Matias-Guiu X; Leon Vallés M; Tarragona Foradada J; Prados Chica JJ. Article d'investigació
KSR1 is overexpressed in endometrial carcinoma and regulates proliferation and TRAIL-induced apoptosis by modulating FLIP levels. 2011 Llobet, D.; Eritja, N.; Domingo, M.; Bergada, L.; Mirantes, C.; Santacana, M.; Pallares, J.; Macià, A.; Yeramian, A.; Encinas, M.; Moreno Bueno, G.; Palacios, J.; Lewis, R.E.; Matias Guiu, X.; Dolcet, Article d'investigació
Nuclear factor-kappa B2/p100 promotes endometrial carcinoma cell survival under hypoxia in a HIF-1 alpha independent manner 2011 Yeramian, A.; Santacana, M.; Sorolla, A.; Llobet, D.; Encinas, M.; Velasco, A.; Bahi, N.; Eritja, N.; Domingo, M.; Oliva, E.; Dolcet, X.; Matias Guiu, X. Article d'investigació
Micro-RNA signature of the epithelial-mesenchymal transition in endometrial carcinosarcoma. 2011 Castilla MÁ, Moreno-Bueno G, Romero-Pérez L, De Vijver KV, Biscuola M, López-García MÁ, Prat J, Matías-Guiu X, Cano A, Oliva E, Palacios J. Article d'investigació
Pulmonary small cell carcinoma metastatic to the ovary. A clinicopathologic study of one case with emphasis on the importance of P53 analysis in diagnosis 2010 Garcia V, Velasco A, Gatius S, Gonzalez FJ, Matias-Guiu X: Article d'investigació
Ganglio centinela en cáncer de mama: ¿histológico o molecular? Estudio diagnóstico comparativo multicéntrico español. Grupo de Estudios Senologicos. 2010 Bernet J, Cano R, Martinez-Benaclocha M, Dueñas B, Matias-Guiu X, Morell Ll, Palacios J, Ramirez C, Rezola R, Robles MJ, Ruiz I, Velasco A, Vieites B, Sevilla F, Torro J, Medrano J, Ballester B, de la Article d'investigació
Pathology of the endometrium. Introduction 2010 Matias-Guiu, Oliva E Review
Endometrioid carcinoma of the endometrium. Pathologic and molecular features. 2010 Azueta A, Gatius S, Matias-Guiu: Review
DcR1 expression in endometrial carcinomas 2010 Tarragona J, Llecha N, Santacana M, Lopez S, Gatius S, Llobet D, Dolcet X, Palomar-Asenjo V, Gonzalez-Tallada FJ, Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
Overexpression and activation of EGFR and VEGFR2 in medullary thyroid carcinomas is related to metastasis 2010 Rodríguez-Antona C, Pallares J, Montero-Conde C, Inglada-Pérez L, Castelblanco E, Landa I, Leskela S, Leandro-García LJ, López-Jiménez E, Letón R, Cascón A,Lerma E, Martin MC, Carralero MC, Mauricio D Article d'investigació
A novel 3D culture system of polarized epithelial cells to study endometrial carcinogenesis 2010 Eritja N; Llobet D; Domingo M; Yeramian A; Matias-Guiu X; Dolcet X. Article d'investigació
Promoter hypermethylation and expression of sprouty 2 in endometrial carcinoma 2010 Velasco, A.; Pallares, J.; Santacana, M.; Gatius, S.; Fernandez, M.; Domingo, M.; Valls, J.; Yeramian, A.; Encinas, M.; Dolcet, X.; Matias Guiu, X. Article d'investigació
The multikinase inhibitor sorafenib induces apoptosis and sensitizes endometrial cancer cells to TRAIL by different mechanisms 2010 Llobet, D.; Eritja, N.; Encinas, M.; Yeramian, A.; Pallares, J.; Sorolla, A.; Santacana, M.; Gonzalez Tallada, F.J.; Matias Guiu, X.; Dolcet, X. Article d'investigació
Endocrine Overies 2010 Xavier Matias-Guiu Llibre docent
Expression of somatostatin receptors (SSTR) in melanoma cell lines. Effect of the somatostatin analogues (SA) Octreotide and SOM-230 on their proliferation 2009 M Martinez-Alonso, N Llecha, ME Mayorga, A Sorolla, X Dolcet, V Sanmartin, L Abal, JM Casanova, M Baradad, A Yeramian, S Puig, R Vilella, X Matias-Guiu, RM Marti Article d'investigació
Expression of somatostatin receptors in human melanoma cell lines: Effect of two different somatostatin analogues, octreotide and SOM230, on cell proliferation 2009 Martinez Alonso, M.; Llecha, N.; Mayorga, M.E.; Sorolla, A.; Dolcet, X.; Sanmartin, V.; Abal, L.; Casanova, J.M.; Baradad, M.; Yeramian, A.; Egido, R.; Puig, S.; Vilella, R.; Matias Guiu, X.; Marti, R Article d'investigació
A review of the aplications of tissue microarray technology in understanding the molecular features of endometrial carcinoma 2009 Pallarés, J.; Santacana, M.; Puente, S.; López, S.; Yeramian, A.; Eritja, N.; Sorolla, A.; Llobet, D.; Dolcet, X.; Matias Guiu, X. Review
Subtractive proteomic approach to the endometrial carcinoma invasion front. 2009 Monge M, Doll A, Colas E, Gil-Moreno A, Castellvi J, Garcia A, Colome N, Perez-Benavente A, Pedrola N, Lopez-Lopez R, Dolcet X, Ramon Y Cajal S, Xercavins J, Matias-Guiu X, Canals F, Reventos J, Abal Article d'investigació
Genetics of pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma in the Spanish population 2009 Cascon A, Pita G, Burnichon N, Landa I, López-Jiménez E, Montero-Conde C, Lekela S, Leandro-García LJ, Letón R, Rodríguez-Antona C, Díaz JA, López-Vidriero E, González-Neira A, Velasco A, Matias-Guiu Article d'investigació
Bilateral and symmetrical palmoplantar punctate keratoses in childhood: a possible clinical clue for an early diagnosis of PTEN hamartoma-tumour syndrome. 2009 Ferran M, Bussaglia E, Matias-Guiu X, Pujol RM. Article d'investigació
Molecular pathology of endometrial carcinoma; practical aspects from the diagnostic and therapeutical view points 2009 Llobet, D.; Pallares, J.; Yeramian, A.; Santacana, M.; Eritja, N.; Velasco, A.; Dolcet, X.; Matias Guiu, X. Review
The variant rs1867277 in FOXE1 gene confers thyroid cancer susceptibility through the recruitment of USF1/USF2 transcription factors 2009 Landa I, Ruiz-Llorente S, Montero-Conde C, Inglada-Pérez L, Schiavi F, Leskela S, Pita G, Milne R, Maravall J, Ramos I, Andía V, Rodríguez-Poyo P, Jara-Albarrán A, Meoro A, del Peso C, Arribas L, Igle Article d'investigació
Expression of somatostatin receptors (SSTR) in melanoma cell lines. Effect of somatostatin analogues on their proliferation 2009 Martinez-Alonso M; Mayorga ME; Llecha N; Sorolla A; Dolcet X; Casanova JM; Baradad M; Yeramian A; Puig S; Vilella R; Matias-Guiu X; Martí RM Article d'investigació
CK2beta is expressed in endometrial carcinoma and has a role in apoptosis resistance and cell proliferation. 2009 Pallares J; Llobet D; Santacana M; Eritja N; Velasco A; Cuevas D; Lopez S; Palomar-Asenjo V; Yeramian A; Dolcet X; Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
Carcinoma de endometrio. Patología y Alteraciones moleculares 2009 Xavier Matias-Guiu Capítol de llibre docent
Loss of heterozygosity in endometrial carcinoma 2008 Velasco A; Pallarés J; Santacana M; Yeramian A; Dolcet X; Eritja N; Puente S; Sorolla A; Llecha N; Matias-Guiu X Review
Antioxidants block proteasome inhibitor function in endometrial carcinoma cells 2008 Llobet, D.; Eritja, N.; Encinas, M.; Sorolla, A.; Yeramian, A.; Schoenenberger, J.A.; Llombart Cussac, A.; Martí, R.M.; Matias Guiu, X.; Dolcet, X. Article d'investigació
Metastatic Small Cell Carcinoma to the Thyroid Gland: a Pathologic and Molecular Study Demonstrating the Origin in the Urinary Bladder 2008 Puente, S, Velasco A, Gallel P, Pallares J, Perez-Ruiz L, Ros S, Maravall J , Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
Rentabilidad del estudio citológico del líquido pleural en el derrame maligno 2008 Bielsa S, Panadés MJ, Egido R, Rué M, Salud A, Matías-Guiu X, Rodríguez-Panadero F, Porcel JM. Article d'investigació
Metastatic small cell carcinoma to the thyroid gland. a pathologic and molecular study demonstrating the origin in the urinary bladder 2008 Puente S, Velasco A, Gallel P, Pallares J, Perez-Ruiz L, Ros S, Maravall J, Matias-Guiu X Article d'investigació
Nuclear factor-kappa B activation is associated with somatic and germ line RET mutations in medullary thyroid carcinoma 2008 Gallel, P.; Pallares, J.; Dolcet, X.; Llobet, D.; Eritja, N.; Santacana, M.; Yeramian, A.; Palomar Asenjo, V.; Lagarda, H.; Mauricio, D.; Encinas, M.; Matias Guiu, X. Article d'investigació
Promoter hypermethylation and reduced expression of RASSF1A are frequent molecular alterations of endometrial carcinoma. 2008 Pallarés J, Velasco A, Eritja N, Santacana M, Dolcet X, Cuatracasas M, Palomar-Asenjo V, Catasús Ll, Prat J, Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
Pleomorphic adenoma with extensive myoepithelial component (myoepithelioma ) in lower eyelid 2008 Huerva V, Sanchez MC, Egido RM, Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
Acral papular neuromatosis: an early manifestation of Cowden syndrome 2008 Ferran M, Bussaglia E, Lazaro C, Matias-Guiu X, Pujol RM. Article d'investigació
Targeted therapies in gynecologic cancers and melanoma 2008 Ortega E; Marti RM; Yeramian A; Sorolla A; Dolcet X; Llobet D; Abal L;Santacana M; Pallares J; Llombart-Cussac A; Matias-Guiu X Review
Molecular profiling related to poor prognosis in thyroid carcinoma. Combining gene expression data and biological information 2008 Montero-Conde C, Martín-Campos JM, Lerma E, Gimenez G, Martínez-Guitarte JL, Combalía N, Montaner D, Matías-Guiu X, Dopazo J, de Leiva A, Robledo M, Mauricio D. Article d'investigació
Accuracy of pleural fluid cytology in malignant effusions 2008 Bielsa S, Panades MJ, Egido R, Rue M, Salud A, Matias-Guiu X, Rodriguez-Panadero F, Porcel JM Article d'investigació
Role of BIG-H3 R124H mutation in the diagnosis of Avellino corneal dystrophy 2008 Huerva V, Velasco A, Sanchez MC, Mateo AJ, Matias-Guiu X Article d'investigació
Anti-Ri-associated paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration and breast cancer: An autopsy case study. 2008 Brieva L, Diaz M, Matias-Guiu X, Márquez D, Tarragona J, Graus F. Article d'investigació
CK2 controls TRAIL and Fas sensitivity by regulating FLIP levels in endometrial carcinoma cells 2008 Llobet, D.; Eritja, N.; Encinas. M.; Llecha, N.; Yeramian, A.; Pallares, J.; Sorolla, A.; Gonzalez Tallada, F.J.; Matias Guiu, X.; Dolcet, X. Article d'investigació
Effect of proteasome inhibitors on proliferation and apoptosis of human cutaneous melanoma-derived cell lines 2008 Sorolla, A.; Yeramian, A.; Dolcet, X.; Pérez de Santos, A.M.; Llobet, D.; Schoenenberger, J.A.; Casanova, J.M.; Soria, X.; Egido, R.; Llombart, A.; Vilella, R.; Matias Guiu, X.; Marti, R.M. Article d'investigació
Endometrial Carcinoma 2008 Mutter G, Lax S, Matias-Guiu X Capítol de llibre docent
Endometrial Hyperplasia and carcinoma 2008 Xavier Matias-Guiu Capítol de llibre docent
Lattice corneal dystrophy type II: Clinical, pathologic, and molecular study in a Spanish family 2007 Huerva V, Velasco A, Sanchez MC, Mateo AJ, Matias-Guiu X Article d'investigació
Expression of p95HER2, a truncated form of the HER2 receptor, and response to anti-HER2 therapies in breast cancer 2007 Scaltriti M , Rojo F, Ocaña A, Anido J, Guzman M, Cortes J, Di Cosimo S, Matias-Guiu X,Ramon y Cajal S, Arribas J, Baselga J Article d'investigació
Fifty-five basal cell carcinomas treated with topical imiquimod: outcome at 5-year follow-up. 2007 Vidal D, Matias-Guiu X, Alomar A. Article d'investigació
Nuevas dianas terapéuticas en el melanoma 2007 Martí RM, Mayorga ME, Pérez de Santos AM, Sorolla A, Dolcet X, Pallarés J, Casanova JM, Baradad M, Egido R, Matias-Guiu X Review
PTEN promoter methylation in sporadical thyroid carcinomas 2006 Alvarez-Nuñez F, Bussaglia E, Mauricio D, Ybarra J, Vilar M, Lerma E, De Leiva A, Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
Antiproliferative effect of STI571 on cultured human cutaneous melanoma-derived cell lines. 2006 Mayorga ME, Sanchis D, Perez de Santos AM, Velasco A, Dolcet X, Casanova JM, Baradad M, Egido R, Pallares J, Espurz N, Benitez D, Mila J, Malvehy J, Castel T, Comella JX, Matias-Guiu X, Vilella R, Mar Article d'investigació
PIK3CA gene mutations in endometrial carcinoma. Correlation with PTEN and k-RAS alterations. 2006 Velasco, A.; Bussaglia, E.; Pallares, J.; Dolcet, X.; Llobet, D.; Encinas, M.; Llecha, N.; Palacios, J.; Prat, J.; Matias Guiu, X. Article d'investigació
Proteasome inhibitors induce death but activate NF-kappa B on endometrial carcinoma cell lines and primary culture explants 2006 Dolcet, X.; Llobet, D.; Encinas, M.; Pallares, J.; Cabero, A.; Schoenenberger, J.A.; Comella, J.X.; Matias Guiu, X. Article d'investigació
Survivin expression in endometrial carcinoma. A tissue microarray study with correlation with PTEN and STAT-3 2005 Pallares J, Martinez JL, Dolcet X, Llobet D, Rue M, Palacios J, Prat J, Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
Tumor necrosis factor alpha in fat redistribution syndromes associated with combination antiretroviral therapy in HIV-1 infected patients: potential role in subcutaneous adipocyte apoptosis 2005 Domingo P, Vidal F, Domingo JC, Veloso S, Sambeat MA, Torres F, Sirvent JJ, Vendrell J, Matias-Guiu X, Richart C Article d'investigació
Acromegaly due to a growth hormone-releasing hormone-secreting intracranial gangliocytoma 2005 Isidro ML, Iglesias Diaz P, Matias-Guiu X, Cordido F. Article d'investigació
Immunohistochemical analysis of PTEN in endometrial carcinoma. A tissue microarray study with a comparison of four commercial antibodies in correlation with molecular abnormalities 2005 Pallares J, Bussaglia E, Martinez-Guitarte JL, Dolcet X, Llobet D, Rue M, Sanchez-Verde L, Palacios J, Prat J, Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
NF-kappaB in development and progression of human cancer 2005 Dolcet X, Llobet D, Pallares J, Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
Synchronous endometrioid carcinomas of the uterine corpus and ovary: alterations in the beta-catenin (CTNNB-1) pathway are associated with independent primary tumors and favorable prognosis 2005 Irving JA, Catasus L, Gallardo A, Bussaglia E, Romero M, Matias-Guiu X, Prat J. Article d'investigació
Flip is frequently expressed in endometrial carcinoma and has a role in resistance to TRAIL-induced apoptosis 2005 Dolcet X, Llobet D, Pallares J, Rue M, Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
Mutation analysis of the SDHD gene in four kindreds with familial paraganglioma - Description of one novel germline mutation 2005 Velasco A, Palomar-Asenjo V, Gañan L, Catasus L, Llecha N, Panizo A, Palomar-Garcia V, Quer M, Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
Poorly differentated thyroid carcinoma 2004 Sobrinho-Simoes M, Albores-Saavedra J, Tallini G, Santoro M, Volante M, Pilotti S, Carcangiu ML, Papotti M, Matias-Guiu X, Guiter GE, Sakamoto Capítol de llibre docent
Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor of the thyroid: A clinicopathological and ultrastructural study of one case 2004 Pallares J, Perez-Ruiz, Ros S, Panades MJ, Pardo-Mindan J, Lloreta J, Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
Malignant Peripheral Nerve Tumor Of The Thyroid: A Clinicopathological and UltrastructuralStudy of One Case 2004 J. Pallares, L. Perez Ruiz, S. Ros, M.J. Panades, J. Pardo-Mindan, J. Llereta, X. Matias Guiu Article d'investigació
Kikuchi's disease (necrotizing lymphadenitis) with cutaneous involvement associated with subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus 2004 Toll A, Gilaberte M, Matias-Guiu X, Camacho L, Alomar A, Gonzalez-Gay MA, M Pujol R. Article d'investigació
Lethal Perianal Buschke-Lowenstein Tumor in a Female Patient with AIDS 2004 Valenzuela N, Barnadas MA, Matias-Guiu X, Curell R, De Andres L, Alomar A. Article d'investigació
Anatomía Patológica en el MEN 1 2004 Pallares J, Matias-Guiu X Capítol de llibre docent
Endocrine ovaries 2004 Matias-Guiu X, Espinos JJ, Calaf J Capítol de llibre docent
Open study of the efficacy and mechanism of action of topical imiquimod in basal cell carcinoma 2004 Vidal D, Matías-Guiu X, Alomar A. Article d'investigació
Mixed Medullary and follicular cell thyroid carcinoma 2004 Papotti M, Bussolati G, Matias-Guiu X, Volante M Capítol de llibre docent
Medullary thyroid carcinoma 2004 Matias-Guiu X, DeLellis R, Moley JF, Gagel RF, Albores Saavedra J, Bussolati G, Kaserer K, Williams ED, Baloch Z Capítol de llibre docent
Undifferentiated (anaplastic)thyroid carcinoma 2004 Ordoñez N, Baloch, Matias-Guiu X, Evans H, Farid NR, Fagin JA, Kitamura Y, Tallini G, Eng C, Haigh PI, Faquin WC, Sugitani I, Giuffrida D Capítol de llibre docent
BRAF mutations are associated with some histotypes of papillary thyroid carcinoma 2004 Trovisco V, Vieira de Castro I, Soares P, Maxomo V, Silva P, Magalhaes J, Abrosimov A, Matias-Guiu X, Sobrinho-Simoes M. Article d'investigació
Abnormalities in NF-kB family and related proteins in endometrial carcinoma. A tissue microarray study 2004 Pallares J, Martinez-Guitarte JL, Dolcet X, Llobet D, Rue M, Palacios J, Prat J, Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
Nuclear ß-catenin is a molecular feature of type I endometrial carcinoma 2004 Moreno-Bueno G, Hardisson D, Prat J, Matias-Guiu X, Palacios J. Article d'investigació
Efficacy of imiquimod for the expression of bcl-2, ki67, p53 and basal cell carcinoma apoptosis 2004 Vidal D, Matías-Guiu X, Alomar A. Article d'investigació
Molecular pathology of atypical polypoid adenomyoma of the uterus 2003 Ota S, Catasus Ll, Matias-Guiu X, Bussaglia E, Lagarda H, Pons C, Muñoz J, Kamura T, Prat J. Article d'investigació
Thyroid carcinomas of the follicular epithelium: tumor markers and oncogenes 2003 Alvarez-Nuñez F, Mora J, Matias-Guiu X. Review
Differential gene expression profile in endometrioid and non-endometrioid endometrial carcinoma: STK15 is frequently overexpressed and amplified in non-endometrioid carcinoma 2003 Moreno-Bueno G, Sanchez C, Cassia R, Rodriguez-Perales S, Diaz-Uriarte R, Dominguez O, Hardisson D, Andujar M, Prat J, Matias-Guiu X, Cigudosa JC, Palacios J. Article d'investigació
Abnormalities of E- and P-cadherin and catenin (beta, gamma-catenins, and p120ctn) expression in endometrial cancer and endometrial atypical hyperplasia 2003 Moreno-Bueno G, Hardisson D, Sarrió D, Sanchez C, Cassia R, Prat J, Herman JG, Esteller M, Matias-Guiu X, Palacios J. Article d'investigació
Id4 is deregulated by a t(6;14)(p22;q32) chromosomal translocation in a B-cell lineage acute lymphoblastic leukemia 2003 Bellido M, Aventin A, Lasa A, Estivill C, Carnicer MJ, Pons C, Matias-Guiu X, Bordes R, Baiget M, Sierra J, Nomdedeu JF. Article d'investigació
Cyclin D1 gene (CCND1) mutations in endometrial cancer 2003 Moreno-Bueno G, Rodriguez-Perales S, Sanchez C, Hardisson D, Sarrió D, Cassia R, Prat J, Cigudosa JC, Matias-Guiu X, Palacios J. Article d'investigació
Focal myositis of the thigh. Unusual MR pattern 2002 Llauger J, Bagué S, Palmer J, Matias-Guiu X, SanRoman L, Doncel A. Article d'investigació
Hamartome musculaire lisse non-congenital: trois cas 2002 Garcia-Muret MP, Puig LL, Pujol RM, Matias-Guiu X, Alomar A. Article d'investigació
Microglandular adenosis of the breast in a BRCA1 mutation carrier. Radiological features 2002 Sabaté J, Gomez A, Torrubia S, Matias-Guiu X, Alonso MC, Pericay C, Diez O. Article d'investigació
Clonality analysis in synchronous or metachronous tumors of the female genital tract 2002 Matias-Guiu X, Lagarda H, Catasus Ll, Bussaglia E, Gallardo A, Gras E, Prat J. Review
Microsatellite instability and immunostaining for MSH-2 and MLH-1 in cutaneous and internal tumors from patients with the Muir-Torre syndrome 2002 Machin P, Catasus Ll, Pons C, Muñoz J, Conde-Zurita JM, Balmaña J, Barnadas M, Martí RM, Prat J, Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
PTEN mutations in eigth spanish families and one brazilian family with Cowden syndrome 2002 Busaglia E, Pujol R, Gil MJ, Martí RM, Tuneu A, Febrer MI, García-Patos V, Martinez-Ruiz E, Barnadas M, Alegre M, Serrano S, Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
Abnormalities of the APC/beta-catenin pathway in endometrial cancer 2002 Moreno-Bueno G, Hardisson D, Sanchez C, Sarrió D, Cassia R, García-Rostan G, Prat J, Guo M, Herman JG, Matias-Guiu X, Esteller M, Palacios J. Article d'investigació
Malignant mixed müllerian tumor arising from a preexisting ovarian serous carcinoma. A Clinical; pathologic and molecular study of two cases 2002 Gallardo A, Matias-Guiu X, Lagarda H, Catasus Ll, Bussaglia E, Gras E, Suarez D, Prat J. Article d'investigació
Ultrastructural features of highly active antiretroviral therapy-associated partial lipoystrophy 2002 Lloreta J, Domingo P, Pujol RM, Arroyo JA, Baixeras N, Matias-Guiu X, Gilaberte M, Sambeat MA, Serrano S. Article d'investigació
Paucicellular variant of anaplastic thyroid carcinoma: Report of two cases 2001 Canos JC, Serrano A, Matias-Guiu X. Article d'investigació
k-RAS mutations in endometrial carcinomas with microsatellite instability 2001 Lagarda H, Catasus Ll, Argüelles RM, Matias-Guiu X, Prat J. Article d'investigació
Molecular Pathology of endometrial hyperplasia and carcinoma 2001 Matias-Guiu X, Catasus L, Bussaglia E, Lagarda H, Garcia A, Pons C, Muñoz J, Garcia A,Pons C, Muñoz J, Argüelles R, Machin P, Prat J. Review
Switching to nevirapine decreases insulin levels but does not improve subcutaneous adipocyte apoptosis in patients with highly active antiretroviral therapy- associated lipodystrophy 2001 Domingo P, Matias-Guiu X, Pujol RM, Domingo JC, Arroyo JA, Sambeat MA, Vazquez G. Article d'investigació
Microsatellite instability, MLH-1 promoter hypermethylation and Frameshift mutations at coding mononucleotide repeat microsatellites in ovarian tumors 2001 Gras E, Catasus L, Arguelles RM, Moreno-Bueno G, Palacios J, Matias-Guiu X, Prat J. Article d'investigació
Loss of heterozygosity at the RB-1 locus and pRB immunostaining in epithelial ovarian tumors: A molecular, immunohistochemical, and clinicopathologic study 2001 Gras E, Pons C, Machin P, Matias-Guiu X, Prat J. Article d'investigació
Solitary Fibrous Tumor of the Thyroid Gland. Report of seven cases 2001 Rodriguez I, Ayala E, Caballero C, De Miguel C, Matias-Guiu X, Cubilla AL, Rosai J. Article d'investigació
Loss of heterozygosity on chromosome 13q12-q14, BRCA-2 mutations and lack ofBRCA-2 promoter hypermethylation in sporadic epithelial ovarian tumors 2001 Gras E, Cortes J, Diez O, Alonso C, Matias-Guiu X, Baiget M, Prat J. Article d'investigació
P14ARF silencing by promoter hypermethylation mediates abnormal intracellular location of MDM-2 2001 Esteller M, Cordon-Cardo C, Corn PG, Meltzer SJ, Watkins NG, Capella G, Peinado MA, Matias-Guiu X, Prat J, Baylin SB, Herman JG. Article d'investigació
Abnormalities of the E-cadherin/catenin adhesion complex in classical papillary thyroid carcinoma and its diffuse sclerosing variant 2001 Rocha AS, Soares P, Seruca R, Maximo V, Matias-Guiu X, Cameselle-Teijeiro J, Sobrinho-Simoes M. Article d'investigació
Beta and gamma-catenin expression in endometrial carcinoma. Relationship with clinicopathological features and microsatellite instability 2001 Palacios J, Moreno-Bueno G, Catasus Ll, Matias-Guiu X, Prat J, Gamallo C. Article d'investigació
Frameshift mutations at coding mononucleotide repeat microsatellites in endometrial carcinomas with microsatellite instability 2000 Catasus Ll, Matias-Guiu X, Machin P, Zannoni GF, Scambia G, Benedetti Panici P, Prat J. Article d'investigació
Promoter hypermethylation is a cause of BRCA1 inactivation in sporadic breast and ovarian tumors 2000 Esteller M, Silva JM, Dominguez G, Bonilla F, Bussaglia E, Matias-Guiu X, Lerma E, Prat J, Harkes I, Repasky EA, Gabrielson E, Schutte M, Baylin SB, Herman JG. Article d'investigació
PTEN mutations in endometrial carcinomas. A molecular and clinicopathologic analysis of 38 cases 2000 Bussaglia E, del Rio E, Matias-Guiu X, Prat J. Article d'investigació
PTEN mutations are not helpful in the differential diagnosis of simultaneous carcinomas involving the endometrium and the ovaries 2000 Matias-Guiu X, Bussaglia E, Catasus Ll, Lagarda H, Gras E, Machin P, Prat J. Article d'investigació
Loss of heterozygosity on chromosome 17q in epithelial ovarian tumors: association with carcinomas with serous differentiation 2000 Garcia A, Bussaglia E, Machin P, Matias-Guiu X, Prat J. Article d'investigació
PIGMENTED EPIDERMOTROPIC DUCTAL CARCINOMA OF THE BREAST MALE 1995 MT Fernández-Figueras, L Puig, JM Casanova, E Musulén, X Matías-Guiu, JJ Navas-Palacios Article d'investigació
Gastric adenocarcinoma in a patient with Xeroderma Pigmentosum 1985 Puig L, Martí R, Matias-Guiu M. Lecha X, Guix M. Article d'investigació