???option.TituloSitioWeb.grado??? en Ciencias Biomédicas


???label.profesorado.categoria???: CATEDRÁTICO/A DE UNIVERSIDAD
???label.profesorado.perfil???: Doctorado
???label.profesorado.departamento???: MEDICINA EXPERIMENTAL
???label.profesorado.email???: loreta.medina@udl.cat


???label.profesorado.ensenyament??? ???label.profesorado.curso??? ???label.profesorado.asignatura???
MU en Investigación Biomédica NEUROCIENCIA FUNDAMENTAL


???label.profesorado.recerca.grupo???: Neurobiologia Evolutiva i del Desenvolupament (Evolutionary and Developmental Neurobiology)
???label.profesorado.recerca.proyectos??? ???label.profesorado.recerca.proyectos.dataInici??? ???label.profesorado.recerca.proyectos.dataFi??? ???label.profesorado.recerca.proyectos.investigadors???
Regionalización, morfogénesis y evolución de la amígdala y amígdala extendida 01/01/2003 31/12/2005 LORETA MARIA MEDINA HERNÁNDEZ
Subdivisiones y origen de los subtipos neuronales del telencéfalo, con especial énfasis en la amígdala y las áreas relacionadas 01/01/2010 31/12/2012 LORETA MARIA MEDINA HERNÁNDEZ
Desarrollo y evolución de la amígdala y áreas relacionadas del prosencéfalo, en base a análisis genético y mapa de destino (DEVOAMI) 01/01/2013 31/12/2015 LORETA MARIA MEDINA HERNÁNDEZ
Perfil molecular y conexiones de neuronas amigdalinas de distinto origen embrionario: hacia un nuevo paradigma para comprender los trastornos psiquiátricos 01/01/2016 31/12/2020 LORETA MARIA MEDINA HERNÁNDEZ
Arquitectura molecular de los centros y redes del cerebro que regulan emoción y cognición: implicaciones para la psiquiatría 01/06/2020 31/05/2024 ESTER DESFILIS BARCELO, LORETA MARIA MEDINA HERNÁNDEZ
Neuronas glutamatérgicas y circuitos asociados a trastornos del espectro autista 01/09/2024 31/08/2028 ESTER DESFILIS BARCELO, LORETA MARIA MEDINA HERNÁNDEZ
Compartimentación histogenética y maduración funcional de la amigdala 01/10/2006 30/09/2009 LORETA MARIA MEDINA HERNÁNDEZ
???label.profesorado.recerca.tesis??? ???label.profesorado.recerca.any??? ???label.profesorado.recerca.direccio???
Amygdalar neurons regulating the stress response in chicken 2024 Desfilis Barceló, E.; Medina Hernández, L.M.
Developmental dynamics shaping excitatory/inhibitory balance and stress-related gene expression in the central extended amygdala of chicken 2023 Abellán Ródenas, A.; Medina Hernández, L.M.
Development and phenotype of Otp-expressing cells of the amygdala using an Otp-specific reporter transgenic mouse 2022 Desfilis Barceló, E.; Medina Hernández, L.M.
Desarrollo de las neuronas amigdalinas derivadas del hipotálamo: del origen histogenético al fenotipo 2017 Desfilis Barceló E; Medina Hernández LM
Development and Evolution of the Avian Extended Amygdala 2015 Medina Hernández LM, Abellán Ródenas A.
The Extended amygdala: embryonic origin and genetic regulation of its development 2011 Loreta M.Medina Hernandez
Regionalización del telencéfalo de pollo en base a la expresión de genes durante el desarrollo 2009 Loreta M. Medina Hernandez
Caracterizacion genetica y origen de las neuronas de la region claustroamigdalina en raton 2006 Loreta M. Medina Hernandez
Regionalizacion del prosencefalo de la rana Xenopus laevis. Factores moleculares involucrados. 2003 Loreta M. Medina Hernandez y Luis V. Puelles Lopez
???label.profesorado.recerca.publicaciones??? ???label.profesorado.recerca.any??? ???label.profesorado.recerca.autors??? ???label.profesorado.recerca.tipus???
Neurochemistry and circuit organization of the lateral spiriform nucleus of birds: A uniquely nonmammalian direct pathway component of the basal ganglia 2024 Reiner, A.; Medina, L.; Abellán, A.; Deng, Y.; Toledo, C.A.B.; Luksch, H.; Vega Zuniga, T.; Rilley, N.B.; Hodos, W.; Karten, H.J. Article d'investigació
Subpopulations of corticotropin-releasing factor containing neurons and internal circuits in the chicken central extended amygdala. 2024 Pross, A.; Metwalli, A.H.; Abellán, A.; Desfilis, E.; Medina, L. Article d'investigació
Evolution and Development of Amygdala Subdivisions: Pallial, Subpallial, and Beyond 2023 Medina, L.; Abellán, A.; Morales, L.; Pross, A.; Metwalli, A.H.; González Alonso, A.; Freixes, J.; Desfilis, E. Article d'investigació
Mapping of corticotropin-releasing factor, receptors, and binding protein mRNA in the chicken telencephalon throughout development. 2023 Metwalli, A.H.; Pross, A.; Desfilis, E.; Abellán, A.; Medina, L. Article d'investigació
Distinct subdivisions at the transition between telencephalon and hypothalamus produce Otp and Sim1 cells for the extended amygdala in sauropsids 2022 Metwalli, A.H.; Abellán, A.; Freixes, J.; Pross, A.; Desfilis, E.; Medina, L. Article d'investigació
Developmental-based classification of enkephalin and somatostatin containing neurons of the chicken central extended amygdala 2022 Pross A; Metwalli AH; Desfilis, E; Medina, L. Article d'investigació
Refocusing Neuroscience: Moving Away from Mental Categories and Toward Complex Behaviors 2022 Pessoa, L.; Medina, L.; Desfilis, E. Review
Precise mapping of Otp expressing cells across different pallial regions throughout ontogenesis using Otp-specific reporter transgenic mice 2022 Morales, L.; González-Alonso, A; Desfilis, E; Medina, L. Article d'investigació
Evolving views on the pallium 2021 Medina, L.; Abellán, A.; Desfilis, E. Article d'investigació
A novel telencephalon‐opto‐hypothalamic morphogenetic domain coexpressing Foxg1 and Otp produces most of the glutamatergic neurons of the medial extended amygdala 2021 Morales, L.; Castro Robles, B.; Abellán, A.; Desfilis, E.; Medina, L. Article d'investigació
Neural architecture of the vertebrate brain: implications for the interaction between emotion and cognition 2019 Pessoa L; Medina L; Hof P; Desfilis E. Article d'investigació
Evolution of pallial areas and networks involved in sociality: comparison between mammals and sauropsids 2019 Medina, L.; Abellán, A.; Desfilis, E. Article d'investigació
A 3D MRI-based atlas of a lizard brain 2018 Hoops D; Desfilis E; Ullmann JFP; Janke AL; Stait-Gardner T; Devenyi GA; Price WS; Medina L; Whiting MJ; Keogh JS Article d'investigació
Expression of regulatory genes in the embryonic brain of a lizard and implications for understanding pallial organization and evolution 2018 Desfilis, E.; Abellán, A.; Sentandreu, V.; Medina, L. Article d'investigació
The Amygdala 2017 Medina, L.; Abellan, A.; Vicario, A.; Castro-Robles, B.; Desfilis, E.; Capítol de llibre d'investigació
Contribution of Genoarchitecture to Understanding Hippocampal Evolution and Development. 2017 Medina, L.; Abellan, A.; Desfilis, E. Article d'investigació
Genoarchitecture of the Extended amygdala in zebra finch, and expression of FoxP2 in cell corridors of different genetic profile 2017 Vicario, A.; Mendoza, E.; Abellán, A.; Scharff, C.; Medina, L. Article d'investigació
Radial derivatives of the mouse ventral pallium traced with Dbx1-LacZ reporters 2016 Puelles, L.*; Medina, L.*; Borello, U.; Legaz, I.; Teissier, A.; Pierani, A.; Rubenstein, JLR. (* co-first authors) Article d'investigació
Selective early expression of the orphan nuclear receptor Nr4a2 identifies the claustrum homologue in the avian mesopallium: Impact on sauropsidian/mammalian pallium comparisons 2016 Puelles, L; Ayad, A, Alonso, A; Sandoval, JE; Martínez-de-la-Torre, M; Medina, L; Ferran, JL. Article d'investigació
The Secrets of the Brain. An evolutionary perspective on neuroscience 2016 Desfilis E.; Medina L. Article en revista divulgativa
Investigación biomédica y dilemas morales 2015 Medina L, Desfilis E. Article en revista divulgativa
Embryonic Origin of the Islet1 and Pax6 neurons of the chicken central extended amygdala using cell migration assays and relation to different neuropeptide-containing cells 2015 Vicario A; Abellán A; Medina L Article d'investigació
Dynamic Expression of tyrosine hydroxylase mRNA and protein in neurons of the striatum and amygdala of mice, and experimental evidence of their multiple embryonic origin 2014 Bupesh M; Vicario A; Abellán A; Desfilis E; Medina L Article d'investigació
Genetic identification of the central nucleus and other components of the central extended amygdala in chicken during development 2014 Vicario A, Abellán A, Desfilis E, Medina L. Article d'investigació
Combinatorial expression of Lef1, Lhx2, Lhx5, Lhx9, Lmo3, Lmo4, and Prox1 helps to identify comparable subdivisions in the developing hippocampal formation of mouse and chicken 2014 Abellan A, Desfilis E, Medina L. Article d'investigació
Evolutionary and Developmental contributions for understanding the organization of the basal ganglia 2014 Medina, L; Abellán, A; Vicario, A; Desfilis, E Article d'investigació
The olfactory amygdala in amniotes: an evo-devo approach 2013 Abellán A, Desfilis E, Medina L. Review
A never-ending search for the evolutionary origin of the neocortex: rethinking the homology concept 2013 Medina L; Abellán A; Desfilis E Article d'investigació
Cadherin expression delineates the divisions of the postnatal and adult mouse amygdala 2012 Hertel N., C. Redies, L. Medina Article d'investigació
Subpallial Structures 2012 Medina, L.; Abellan, A. Capítol de llibre d'investigació
Beta-catenin signalling in Glioblastoma Multiforme and Glioma-Initiating cells 2012 Nager N; Bhardwaj D; Cantí; Medina L; Nogués P; Herreros J. Review
Genetic and experimental evidence support the continuum of the central extended amygdala and a mutiple embryonic origin of its principal neurons. 2011 Bupesh M, Abellán A, Medina L. Article d'investigació
Multiple telencephalic and extratelencephalic embryonic domains contribute neurons to the medial extended amygdala 2011 Bupesh M, Legaz I, Abellán A, Medina L. Article d'investigació
The avian subpallium: New insights into structural and functional subdivisions occupying the lateral subpallial wall and their embryological origins 2011 Kuenzel W.J., L. Medina, A. Csillag, D.J. Perkel, A. Reiner Review
Contribution of Genoarchitecture to Understanding Forebrain Evolution and Development, with Particular Emphasis on the Amygdala. 2011 Medina L, Bupesh M, Abellán A. Review
Differential Expression of LIMHomeodomain Factors in Cajal-Retzius Cells of Primates, Rodents, and Birds 2010 Abellán A, Menuet A, Dehay C, Medina L, Retaux S Article d'investigació
Similarities and differences in the forebrain expression of Lhx1 and Lhx5 between chicken and mouse: Insights for understanding telencephalic development and evolution 2010 Abellán A, Vernier B, Rétaux S, Medina L. Article d'investigació
Subdivisions and derivatives of the chicken subpallium based on expression of LIM and other regulatory genes and markers of neuron subpopulations during development. 2009 Abellán A, Medina L Article d'investigació
Olfactory and amygdalar structures of the chicken ventral pallium based on the combinatory expression patterns of LIM and other developmental regulatory genes 2009 Abellán A, Legaz I, Vernier B, Rétaux S, Medina L Article d'investigació
Development and evolution of the pallium 2009 Medina L, Abellán A Article d'investigació
Histogenetic compartments of the mouse centromedial and extended amygdala based on gene expression patterns during development 2008 García-López M, Abellán A, Legaz I, Rubenstein JLR, Puelles L, Medina L Article d'investigació
Basal Ganglia: Evolution 2008 Medina L Capítol de llibre d'investigació
Evolution and embryological development, of forebrain 2008 Medina L Capítol de llibre d'investigació
Expression of cLhx6 and cLhx7/8 suggests a pallido-pedunculo-preoptic origin for the lateral and medial parts of the avian bed nucleus of the stria terminalis 2008 Abellán A, Medina L Article d'investigació
Dynamic patterns of colocalization of calbindin, parvalbumin and GABA in subpopulations of mouse basolateral amygdalar cells during development 2008 Dávila JC, Olmos L, Legaz I, Medina L, Guirado S, Real MA Article d'investigació
Comparative functional analysis of the homeobox gene Nkx2.1 suggests that changes in expression of this gene played a crucial role for the evolution of forebrain development. Comparative functional an 2008 Van den Akker WMR, Brox A, Puelles L, Durston AJ, Medina L Article d'investigació
Do birds and reptiles possess homologues of mammalian visual, somatosensory and motor cortices? 2007 Medina L Capítol de llibre d'investigació
Field Homologies 2007 Medina L Capítol de llibre d'investigació
Calcium-binding proteins, neuronal nitric oxide synthase and GABA help to distinguish different pallial areas in the developing and adult chicken: I. Hippocampal formation and hyperpallium. 2006 Suárez J, Dávila JC, Real MA, Guirado S, Medina, L. Article d'investigació
Development of neurons and fibers containing calcium-binding proteins in the pallial amygdala of mouse, with special emphasis in those of the basolateral amygdalar complex 2005 Legaz I, Olmos L, Real MA, Guirado S, Dávila JC, Medina L Article d'investigació
Subpallial origin of part of the calbindin-positive neurons of the claustral complex and piriform cortex 2005 Legaz, I; García-López, M; Medina, L Article d'investigació
Embryonic and postnatal development of GABA, calbindin, calretinin, and parvalbumin in the mouse claustral complex 2005 Dávila JC, Real MA, Olmos L, Legaz I, Medina L, Guirado S Article d'investigació
Avian brains and a new understanding of vertebrate brain evolution. 2005 Jarvis, ED; Güntürkün, O; Bruce, LL; Csillag, A; Karten, HJ; Kuenzel, W; Medina, L; Paxinos, G; Perkel, DJ; Shimizu, T; Striedter, GF; Wild, JM; Ball, GF; Dugas-Ford, J Review
Expression patterns of developmental regulatory genes show comparable divisions in the telencephalon of Xenopus and mouse: insights into the evolution of the tetrapod forebrain 2005 Medina L, Brox A, Legaz I, García-López M, Puelles L Article d'investigació
Distribution of nitric oxide-producing neurons in the developing and adult mouse amygdalar basolateral complex 2005 Olmos JL, Real MA, Medina L, Guirado S, Davila JC Article d'investigació
Expression of the genes Emx1, Tbr1, and Eomes (Tbr2) in the telencephalon of Xenopus laevis confirms the existence of a ventral pallial division in all tetrapods 2004 Brox, A; Ferreiro, B; Puelles, L; Medina, L Article d'investigació
Revised Nomenclature for Avian Telencephalon and Some Related Brainstem Nuclei 2004 Reiner, A; Perkel, DJ; Bruce, LL; Butler, AB; Csillag, A; Kuenzel, W; Medina, L; Paxinos, G; Shimizu, T; Wild, JM; Ball, GF; Durand, S; Güntürkün, O; Lee, DW; Mello, CV; Powers, A Article d'investigació
The Avian Brain Nomenclature Forum: Terminology for a New Century in Comparative Neuroanatomy. 2004 Reiner, A; Perkel, DJ; Bruce, LL; Butler, AB; Csillag, A; Kuenzel, W; Medina, L; Paxinos, G; Shimizu, T; Wild, JM; Ball, GF; Durand, S; Güntürkün, O; Lee, DW; Mello, CV; Powers, A Article d'investigació
Expression of Dbx1, Neurogenin 2, Semaphorin 5A, Cadherin 8, and Emx1 distinguish ventral and lateral pallial histogenetic divisions in the developing mouse claustroamygdaloid complex 2004 Medina, L; Legaz, I; González, G, De Castro, F; Rubenstein, JLR; Puelles, L Article d'investigació
Expression of the genes GAD-67 and Distal-less-4 in the forebrain of the amphibian Xenopus confirms a common pattern in tetrapods 2003 Brox, A; Ferreiro, B; Puelles, L; Medina, L Article d'investigació
Organization of the mouse dorsal thalamus based on topology, calretinin immunostaining and gene expression 2002 González G, Puelles L, Medina L Article d'investigació
Expression patterns of Wnt8b and Wnt7b in the chicken embryonic brain suggests a correlation with forebrain organizers 2002 Garda, AL; Puelles, L; Rubenstein, JLR; Medina, L Article d'investigació
Patch/matrix patterns of gray matter differentiation in the telencephalon of chicken and mouse 2002 Redies, C; Kovjanic, D; Heyers, D; Medina, L; Hirano, S; Suzuki, ST; Puelles, L Article d'investigació
Field homology as a way to reconcile genetic and developmental variability with adult homology 2002 Puelles L, Medina L Article d'investigació
The telencephalon of the frog Xenopus based on calretinin immunostaining and gene expression patterns 2002 Brox A, Ferreiro B, Puelles L, Medina L Article d'investigació
Expression of R-cadherin and N-cadherin by cell groups and fiber tracts in developing mouse forebrain: relation to the formation of functional circuits 2001 Obst-Pernberg, K; Medina, L; Redies, C Article d'investigació
Cadherin expression by embryonic divisions and derived gray matter structures in the telencephalon of the chicken 2001 Redies, C; Medina, L; Puelles, L Article d'investigació
Pathway tracing using dextran amines 2000 Reiner, A.; Veenman, C.L.; Medina, L.; Jiao, Y.; Del Mar, N.; Honing, M. Review
Light and electron microscopic evidence for projections from the thalamic nucleus rotundus to targets in the basal ganglia, the anterior dorsal ventricular ridge and the amygdaloid complex in a lizard 2000 Guirado, S.; Dávila, J.C.; Real, M.A.; Medina, L. Article d'investigació
Identification of the anterior nucleus of the ansa lenticularis in birds as the homologue of the mammalian subthalamic nucleus 2000 Jiao, Y.; Medina, L.; Veenman, C.L.; Toledo, C.; Puelles, L.; Reiner, A. Article d'investigació
Do birds possess homologues of mammalian primary visual, somatosensory and motor cortices? 2000 Medina, L; Reiner, A Article d'investigació
Immunohistochemical localization of NMDA and AMPA type glutamate receptor subunits in the basal ganglia of red-eared turtles 1999 Fowler, M.; Medina, L.; Reiner, A. Article d'investigació
The functional anatomy of the basal ganglia of birds 1999 Medina, L; Jiao, Y; Reiner, A Review
The nucleus accumbens in the lizard Psammodromus algirus: chemoarchitecture and cortical afferent connections 1999 Guirado, S.; Real, M.A.; Dávila, J.C.; Medina, L. Article d'investigació
The distribution of dynorphinergic terminals in striatal target regions in comparison to the distribution of substance P-containing and enkephalinergic terminals in monkeys and humans 1999 Reiner, A.; Medina, L.; Haber, S.N. Article d'investigació
Immunohistochemical localization of DARPP32 in striatal projection neurons and striatal interneurons in pigeons 1998 Reiner, A.; Pereira, M., Paullus, R.; Medina, L. Article d'investigació
Structural and Functional Evolution of the Basal Ganglia in Vertebrates 1998 Reiner, A; Medina, L; Veenman, CL Review
Evidence for the preferential localization of GluR1 subunits of AMPA receptors to the dendritic spines of medium spiny neurons in rat striatum 1998 Chen, Q.; Veenman, C.L.; Knopp, K.; Yan, Z.; Medina, L.; Song, W.J.; Surmeier ,D.J.; Reiner, A. Article d'investigació
The efferent projections of the dorsal and ventral pallidal parts of the pigeon basal ganglia, studied with biotinylated dextran amine 1997 Medina, L.; Reiner, A. Article d'investigació
Evidence for a possible avian dorsal thalamic region comparable to the mammalian ventral anterior, ventral lateral, and oral ventroposterolateral nuclei 1997 Medina, L.; Veenman, C.L.; Reiner, A. Article d'investigació
The avian homologues of the mammalian intralaminar, mediodorsal, and midline thalamic nuclei: Immunohistochemical and hodological evidence 1997 Veenman CL, Medina L, Reiner A Article d'investigació
Differential abundance of glutamate transporter subtypes in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)-vulnerable versus ALS-resistant brainstem motor cell groups 1996 Medina, L.; Figueredo-Cardenas, G.; Rothstein, J.D.; Reiner, A. Article d'investigació
Light and electron microscopic immunohistochemical study of the dopaminergic terminals in the pigeon striatum using antisera against dopamine and tyrosine hydroxylase 1996 Karle, E.J.; Anderson, K.D.; Medina, L.; Reiner, A. Article d'investigació
Calretinin is largely localized to a unique population of striatal interneurons in rats 1996 Figueredo-Cardenas, G.; Medina, L.; Reiner, A. Article d'investigació
Differential abundance of superoxide dismutase in interneurons versus projection neurons and in matrix versus striosome neurons in monkey striatum 1996 Medina, L., Figueredo-Cardenas, G., Reiner, A. Article d'investigació
Brainstem motoneuron cell groups that die in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis are rich in the GLT-1 glutamate transporter 1996 Medina L, Figueredo-Cardenas G, Rothstein JD, Reiner A Capítol de llibre d'investigació
Brainstem motoneuron pools that are selectively resistant in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis are preferentially enriched in parvalbumin: Evidence from monkey brainstem for a calcium-mediated mechanism i 1995 Reiner A, Medina L, Figueredo-Cardenas G, Anfinson S Article d'investigació
An ultrastructural double-label immunohistochemical study of the enkephalin input to the dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra of the pigeon 1995 Medina L, Anderson KD, Karle EJ, Reiner A Article d'investigació
The efferent connections of the nucleus accumbens in the lizard Gekko gecko: a combined tract-tracing/transmitter-immunohistochemical study 1995 Smeets WJAJ,Medina L Article d'investigació
Neurotransmitter organization and connectivity of the basal ganglia in different vertebrates: Implications for the evolution of the basal ganglia 1995 Medina L, Reiner A Review
Distribution of Choline Acetyltransferase immunoreactivity in the Pigeon brain 1994 Medina L, Reiner A Article d'investigació
Ontogenesis of catecholaminergic systems in the brain the lizard Gallotia galloti 1994 Medina L, Puelles L, Smeets WJAJ Capítol de llibre d'investigació
Catecholaminergic perikarya and fibers in the avian nervous system 1994 Reiner A, Karle EJ, Anderson KD, Medina L Capítol de llibre d'investigació
Development of neurons expressing tyrosine hydroxylase and dopamine in the chick brain: a comparative segmental analysis 1994 Puelles L, Medina L Capítol de llibre d'investigació
Development of catecholamine systems in the brain of the lizard Gallotia galloti 1994 Medina L, Puelles L, Smeets WJAJ Article d'investigació
Distribution of Choline Acetyltransferase immunoreactivity in the brain of the lizard Gallotia galloti 1993 Medina L, Smeets WJAJ, Hoogland PV, Puelles L Article d'investigació
Distribution of Neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactivity in the brain of the lizard Gallotia galloti 1992 Medina L, Marti E, Artero C, Fasolo A, Puelles L Article d'investigació
Cholinergic, monoaminergic and peptidergic innervation of the primary visual centers in the brain of the lizards Gekko gecko and Gallotia galloti 1992 Medina L, Smeets WJAJ Article d'investigació
Comparative aspects of the basal ganglia-tectal pathways in reptiles 1991 Medina L, Smeets WJAJ Article d'investigació
Golgi study of the anterior dorsal ventricular ridge in a lizard. II. Neuronal cytodifferentiation 1990 Diaz C, Yanes C, Medina L, Monzon M, Trujillo CM, Puelles L Article d'investigació
Golgi study of the anterior dorsal ventricular ridge in a lizard. I. Neuronal typology in the adult 1990 Diaz C, Yanes C, Medina L, Monzon M, Trujillo CM, Puelles L Article d'investigació
Neuronal differentiation in the thalamic area triangularis of a lizard 1990 Medina L, Trujillo CM, Diaz C, Puelles L Article d'investigació
Neuronal typology in the thalamic area triangularis of Gallotia galloti (Reptilia, Sauria) 1990 Medina L, Trujillo CM, Diaz C, Puelles L Article d'investigació
Presence of centrioles and ciliary roots during the embryonic development in the reptilian cerebellum. 1987 Marrero A, Martin JM, Perez MA, Medina L, Martin A Article d'investigació